
Basic QoL features missing for keyframes

ytGameDevDave 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 1

this is basic stuff that's missing, making umotion more like a beautiful chair missing a leg or a titanium hammer with a splintered handle. 

what's missing:

- Option to isolate selected animated properties 
- add selection and deselection of keyframes to undo stack

- deselect multiple keyframes shortcut 

extremely basic stuff that's missing, have confirmed that other packages have this (blender, maya etc.)

UMotion has advanced humanoid features for the spine, legs and hands/fingers (muscle group) which separates it from industry standard 3d packages. You can animate inside of your game, even in playmode. Missing vital things like this is a tragedy.


Hi Dave,

thank you very much for sharing your ideas.

- deselect multiple keyframes shortcut

That's already possible: CTRL + D

You can change the shortcut under "Edit --> Preferences --> General" in the Clip Editor:

- Option to isolate selected animated properties
- add selection and deselection of keyframes to undo stack

Yes these are valid points and I already have them on my to-do list. Both require some bigger internal changes so they won't land in the next update (V1.29) which is scheduled to be released in the next 1-2 days. But on the positive side, some of your previous ideas are going to be included in V1.29 so stay tuned :-)

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Text to Speech

Anonymous 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 1

Hello Everyone:

       Can UMotion do Text-To-Speech for a character at play time? And

    play the sound files with the facial animation?


    Thank you,



thank you very much for your support request.

If you animate the facial expressions manually, then yes:

1) Create a Unity timeline sequence with the sound file and your animation

2) Sync UMotion to Unity timeline to edit the animation file

3) Make sure that in Unity timeline you have audio preview enabled (to actually hear the sound file while playback)

There is no automated way to do this in UMotion.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

Not a bug

Mesh is deformed after exporting animation

Anonymous 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 7

I have an FBX, animation type is humanoid and avatar definition is "Create from this model"

I Create a UMotion project -> Drag that model -> Create an animation that does nothing (TPose) -> Export the animation -> When I exit UMotion and play the "animation" in unity, the model is deformed, the exported animation's result doesnt look like when I'm in the UMotion editor.

Below you can see how the model looks in UMotion and how the model looks in the exported animation

Image 1175



thank you very much for your support request.

What export settings do you exactly use? I would recommend using the "update existing file" mode and have your character's FBX file selected as destination file.

Another thing to consider, humanoid gives you less degrees of freedom in animating than generic. Looks like you've applied a tilt on your upper leg bones in UMotion which is something real-life humans are not capable of doing. UMotion let's you correctly preview your animation but once your animation is exported to FBX and then imported as humanoid by Unity, it discards that rotation.

If you want 100% artistic control over your character in your animation, use generic instead of humanoid.

The only reason to choose humanoid over generic is when you have lots of characters that should all use the same animation. If that is not the case, generic is recommended. More information on what humanoid actually is, can be found in this blog post:

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Custom handles for custom properties

MoeruCore 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 2

Hey there!  I'm trying out UMotion and it looks just about perfect for me, but I've run into some questions while trying to get it to work with a system of mine.

Image 1172

This system basically allows you to move/scale/rotate 2D textures on a 3D character's face, so you can do facial animation with 2D art.  I've gotten it to work fine with UMotion through custom properties, but the problem is that I can't find a way to manipulate those properties in a user friendly way.  Changing the numbers directly is too cumbersome, and the custom handle I made doesn't do anything while UMotion is locking the object.

So, the question:  Is there a way to change the value of a custom property through code, or otherwise set up a custom handle/gizmo for it?  I looked at the API and didn't see anything like that but I may have missed it.  I'm open to alternate solutions too.

Other than this sticking point it seems like UMotion is exactly what I was looking for!  Being able to work on face and body animations at the same time would be perfect.  

Edit:  After looking at the API again this might actually be a feature request:  Would it be possible to get a TrySetComponentProperty to go along with TrySetFkLocalPosition/etc.?  With that making the transform handle work with UMotion would be no problem at all.



thank you very much for your support request.

After looking at the API again this might actually be a feature request: Would it be possible to get a TrySetComponentProperty to go along with TrySetFkLocalPosition/etc.? With that making the transform handle work with UMotion would be no problem at all.

I'm currently working on a new UMotion version that comes with an updated/extended UMotion API. I've already implemented your requested method today. The new version should be available in a few days.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Too large file sizes

Anonymous 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 4

I have just noticed my animation files have quite high file sizes. Do you have any idea why, and how can I reduce it ?

Small files with 30 fps and 2-3 sec length are 6-7 mb + and larger ones with 50 + seconds can get 300 mb or more.

I have sort of complex model with lots of Ik handles. I have hidden almost all of the bones since I need only the IK handles. Anyway you can see on the picture. I have added few more settings too. 

Also changing to 60 and 30 fps back and forth doesnt seem to do anything whatsoever...

Image 1170


thanks for your support request.

1- the size on windows is not the same as the size in unity. Size in unity is around 200kb while in windows explorer its 8 mb

This is the correct answer. More details here:

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Auto Key mode for both Update and Generate

Anonymous 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 2

I can choose Update or Generate from Auto Key,

but would like a new mode.
If there is no Key, it will be Generate.
If there is a Key, it goes to Update.
This will make it easier to add/update keys.


I solved it.

Generate was doing that.



Export humanoid animations as multiple FBX and combine clips additively

Anonymous 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 4


First, I want to say how great and enjoyable using UMotion has been so far. I finally took the time today to really dig into when I ran intoo some basic retargetting issues (clipping is my biggest pet peeve), and I must say I am impressed and really glad I purchased this. Definitely wish I started sooner!

Onto my questions though, I have 2 that I tried searching for but wasn't able to find anything specific.

1. Can we export humanoid animations into multiple single clip FBX? For organization purposes, I much prefer if each animation is a separate FBX (I also use the FBX curves and masks, so not being a clip makes this much easier) but attempting to do so gives a warning that it's not recommended for Humanoid Animations, and if you do so anyways, attempting to copy the avatar leads to errors about conflicting bones even though it should be the same model and rig.

I was able to export and update the existing FBX, but beyond just exporting a single clip at a time and constantly duplicating the FBX, I'm not sure ift this is possible?

2. This is just a brainstorming thing, are we able to take a clip using it as a base layer, and then apply another clip ontop of it additively? For example, something I was thinking about is how Mixamo usually has a male and female run animation, and what I'd like to do is take one of those as a base, but then apply all of the keyframes of the other and use the resulting animation. The idea is for to help easily create a more unique animation.

I am currently using UMotion Pro 1.28p04 if that matters to the above.



thank you very much for your support request. I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying working with UMotion so far.

1. Can we export humanoid animations into multiple single clip FBX? For organization purposes, I much prefer if each animation is a separate FBX (I also use the FBX curves and masks, so not being a clip makes this much easier) but attempting to do so gives a warning that it's not recommended for Humanoid Animations, and if you do so anyways, attempting to copy the avatar leads to errors about conflicting bones even though it should be the same model and rig.

Exporting into a separate FBX is going to add the bones exactly as they are in your UMotion project to the FBX. If you get errors regarding conflicting bones when copying the avatar, then there might be differences between the rig that's in your original character's FBX and the prefab you have assigned to the pose editor (reason can be that Unity modified the imported FBX or that something was added/removed in the prefab). I would recommend that you use a 3D modelling application to compare the original and the exported FBX files to further debug this.

I was able to export and update the existing FBX, but beyond just exporting a single clip at a time and constantly duplicating the FBX, I'm not sure ift this is possible?

There is currently no built in way to do this, but you can use the UMotion API to write your custom export procedure (if you know a bit of C# coding in Unity). Here is the link to the documentation:

Your custom script could automatically duplicate the original FBX file etc.

2. This is just a brainstorming thing, are we able to take a clip using it as a base layer, and then apply another clip ontop of it additively? For example, something I was thinking about is how Mixamo usually has a male and female run animation, and what I'd like to do is take one of those as a base, but then apply all of the keyframes of the other and use the resulting animation. The idea is for to help easily create a more unique animation.

UMotion does support additive and override layers. Here is the link to the documentation:

And here is a video tutorial that uses additive layers to adjust the look and feel of an existing animation:

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Under review

Weapon Offset when parented under right shoulder

ytGameDevDave 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 3

I needed a parent that would give me control over both hands, and continued to animate the gun object and its children using constraints. I ended up with the desired animation, but when exported, the gun oddly enough is offset halfway the animation. 

It's another one of those things that feels like it defies all logic. 

Is there a way to change the parent of the gun to the right hand and keep the animation intact? 

When things are parented to the hands, I guess things work better. I did not have this problem with another reload animation and the gun was parented to the hand there.

This was a hassle but doable since I was still in the blockout phase. 

In the Scene:
1. Duplicate your character (in the hierarchy) as a backup. 
2. Change the object to the hand as the parent.

3. Give the object the right start/scene- (local) position to prevent offset.

In UMotion
4. In config, select "Apply Scene Pose". 

5. In config, create the same setup for all the child objects to have bones.
6. Remove all the keyframes onwhich you applied "Update Position and Rotation keys".
7. Re-add all constraints on the keyframes you previously started constraint connections on. 

This fixed the offset and now results are consistent. 

For now I am wary of parenting to anything but hands with humanoid animations. 


The Humanoid avatar doesn't fit the selected GameObject (Can't find Hips)

mauroabidal 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 1

Image 1163

Hi, when I try to drag and drop the GameObject that I want to animate, I get this error message.
Here is the hierarchy of the GameObject

Image 1164

I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong but I can't figure out what, any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for your answer.


thank you very much for your support request.

The humanoid avatar is a file that is created when  Unity is importing the FBX of your character. It stores the transform paths of all the bones/transforms that have a human skeleton role assigned (in the humanoid setting). If you modify the transform hierarchy of your character or move the animator component to a different position in the hierarchy, the paths stored in the avatar might not be correct anymore. That's what the error message is indicating.

Make sure to use a version of your character, that has the same hierarchy as the original (imported) model of your character.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Exported Animation offset

nory 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 1


first of all, thank you very much for developing this awesome tool. I greatly enjoy working with it and have tons of fun slowly discovering everything about animation.

Unfortunately, I'm running into a discrepancy between animations shown in UMotion and the exported animation, both as an .anim and as an fbx.

You can see the difference in the following screenshot, showing both the fbx in UMotion and the animation preview of a duplicate:

Image 1162

I've exported the fbx as a unitypackage, along with the corresponding UMotion project file, in case you want to have a look:


I've tried playing with the animation import settings, but so far no configuration seemed to fix the issue. My suspicion is that the culprit is most likely found in some interaction between IK and the root of the object being rotated, but I haven't been able to pinpoint it, so far. Then again, I might also be on the wrong track and the issue is rooted in something else entirely.

As an added note, the FBX used here is the result of a VRM object being exported to FBX and consecutively rigged as a humanoid. I've considered whether this might play into it, but since the discrepancy also exists between the FBX in UMotion and the exported FBX with the animation, I'd imagine that it's likely not to be the cause.

In any case, I'd be incredibly helpful if you had any pointers.
If you need more information or the like, I'd be more than happy to provide.


Hi Nory,

thank you very much for your support request.

The problem you are seeing here isn't really related to UMotion, but to how the humanoid animation system itself works. The humanoid animation system is an animation re-targeting system. When Unity imports an FBX file configured as humanoid, it converts the actual authored animation into a "normalized" format that can then be played by the humanoid animation system on any other humanoid character even if the animation wasn't made specifically for that character. The system is designed to make animations look similar to the original authored animation, but they won't be precisely the same.

Hands being at wrong relative positions is one such problem humanoid can introduce. In order to compensate that error, humanoid has an internal corrective IK pass implemented that can correct wrong hand and foot positions. It's just not enabled by default (but you can preview it's effect when previewing the animation in the inspector window by enabling the IK toggle button).

More information about humanoid:

This blog post also covers the issue you are seeing with your hands at headline ("IK Solver").

In order to enable the corrective IK pass at you're game's runtime, you need to use scripting (only the foot IK pass can be enabled via Unity's animator UI). You can use this script (make sure to have "IK Pass" enabled in your Animator window):

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;

    public class AnimatorHumanoidIK : MonoBehaviour
        // Public Properties

        [Header("In order to use this, enable \"IK Pass\" in your Animator Controller!")]
        public bool EnableFootIK = true;
        public bool EnableHandIK = true;

        // Private Properties
        // Inspector
        // Internal
        private Animator animator = null;

        // Public Methods

        // Private Methods

        private void OnAnimatorIK(int layerIndex)
            if (animator == null)
                animator = GetComponent<animator>();

            float footIKWeight = EnableFootIK ? 1 : 0;
            float handIKWeight = EnableHandIK ? 1 : 0;

            animator.SetIKPositionWeight(AvatarIKGoal.LeftFoot, footIKWeight);
            animator.SetIKPositionWeight(AvatarIKGoal.RightFoot, footIKWeight);
            animator.SetIKRotationWeight(AvatarIKGoal.LeftFoot, footIKWeight);
            animator.SetIKRotationWeight(AvatarIKGoal.RightFoot, footIKWeight);

            animator.SetIKPositionWeight(AvatarIKGoal.LeftHand, handIKWeight);
            animator.SetIKPositionWeight(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, handIKWeight);
            animator.SetIKRotationWeight(AvatarIKGoal.LeftHand, handIKWeight);
            animator.SetIKRotationWeight(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, handIKWeight);


If you do not plan to share your animation across multiple characters, I would highly recommend using "generic" instead. "Generic" is true "what you see is what you get" as the generic animation system plays the authored animation 1:1.


My suspicion is that the culprit is most likely found in some interaction between IK and the root of the object being rotated, but I haven't been able to pinpoint it, so far.

Please note that the exported animation does not contain any custom IK code. The effect of UMotion's IK solver is completely baked into the final animation. Once exported, UMotion does not execute any IK code anymore. In order to preview what UMotion exported into your *.FBX file, you need to preview it as generic. Only generic shows you the actual authored animation. When configured as humanoid, Unity converts the actual animation of the FBX into it's humanoid format which can introduce imperfections like the ones you are seeing.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,