Under review

Animation rigging, Multi-Aim Constraint, problem

superip 3 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 3 months ago 1



When using animations edited with UMotion with Animation Rigging and Multi-Aim Constraint, the animations may become corrupted.

Image 1443

<Normal pose>

Image 1444

<Broken pose>

However, iIf I change the constraint weight to 0, it runs normally as follows:

Image 1445

I attached the animation clip file.

Best regards,



Expert mode compatibility.

Ronald 4 months ago updated 3 months ago 6

When I try to enter Expert Mode in Unity, it will cancel the UMotion Project, and I have to reload the UMotion file.

Could be nice to have it also work in Expert Mode.


[Shift] + [Spacebar] maximizes the currently focused Unity editor window. If you do this on a non-UMotion window (e.g. you maximize the scene view window), all UMotion windows are temporarily closed by Unity automatically (and thus also the UMotion project file is closed). This is by design.

You can prevent this from happening by un-docking the UMotion Clip Editor window. Then the Clip Editor window stays opened while having another window (e.g. the Scene View window) maximized.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Select next bone child, Shortcut.

Ronald 4 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 3 months ago 1

Is there a shortcut, to go to the next bone child, or back with a shortcut?


ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.

Jack 4 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 months ago 6

Im just trying to use the tool just as its described. it gives me a very weird error and doesn't output anything

ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
System.IO.Path.Combine (System.String path1, System.String path2) (at :0)
01100101101111000011001010100111100101001011100.11101001010110101000101011101000000101010001100 (UnityEngine.AnimationClip 01111001000001100011100110110101011100110110110, SoxwareInteractive.AnimationConversion.AnimationConverter+Configuration 00110101111000110100101101011111011111011010111, System.Single 00001110111001010001111100000000100011111000101, System.Single 11011111000111101110101001100000001111101110010, System.String& 11110001011111110000100111100001101101000111111) (at :0)
SoxwareInteractive.AnimationConversion.AnimationConverter.Convert (UnityEngine.AnimationClip[] clips, SoxwareInteractive.AnimationConversion.AnimationConverter+Configuration configuration, System.String& logMessages) (at :0)
SoxwareInteractive.AnimationConversion.AnimationConverterWindow.OnGUI () (at Assets/AnimationConverter/Scripts/Editor/AnimationConverterWindow.cs:604)
SoxwareInteractive.AnimationConversion.AnimationConverterWindow:OnGUI() (at Assets/AnimationConverter/Scripts/Editor/AnimationConverterWindow.cs:610)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)


Hi Jack,
thank you very much for your support request. Looks like somewhere in your file paths, there are folder names, that use not allowed characters. Try to only use only the following characters in your folder names: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, *space*. Also only use these characters in file names.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Error after first importing asset

Hencade 4 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 months ago 1

Good night! I hope you're well

Recently I acquired the UmotionPro Asset but when I opened the example scene I find this

Image 1438

I tried to re-install it, close the editor and open it but still no working. I am using unity 6 beta (6,000.0.0b13). Another thing that I could notice is to when open the Umotion Pro timeline and select any character of the example scene, the timeline is empty.
Thank you so much!


thank you very much for your support request.

Looks like the Robot-Kyle model wasn't imported correctly into your project. Please try the following: Create a new empty Unity 6 project and import UMotion there. Does that fix the issue?

Best regards,


Can this asset be used in the built application?

QoQoo1321 4 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 months ago 1

Can this asset be used in the built application? 

I am looking for a tool that can modify timeline animations within an app built for WebGL."


thank you very much for your support request. Unfortunately, UMotion can only be used from within the Unity editor.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

Not a bug

Crash after reloading API script

minibox 4 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 months ago 3

Similar issue:https://support.soxware.com/communities/1/topics/44-crash-on-script-update

Unity crashes when reloading a script that has been placed in UMotionEditor/Scripts/Editor to use the UMotion API and has `using UMotionEditor.API;` code in it after modifying it.

GameObject is not selected,
crashes in both cases, even if there is no project open.

Image 1436





Hi minibox,
thank you very much for your support request.

Does it also crash if you place the script in a different editor folder (e.g. "Assets/Editor")

Best regards,


Using FK/Ik

Fadel 4 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 months ago 1

I’m experimenting with Umotion Pro and so far I’m struggling with using FK/IK. What I have noticed that you cannot use both IK and FK for the same joint/transform. You have to use either IK or FK for the same joint or transform. Is that true?


Hi Fadel,
thank you very much for your support request. Correct, you can either use FK to manually place your bones or let IK automatically place your bones. With the FK/IK blend slider, you can smoothly blend between FK or IK.

You still have all the necessary manual control over IK though. Let's say your IK is controllering an arm. By moving the wired cube, you can adjust the hand position. When moving the wired sphere (i.e. the "pole target") you can adjust where the ellbow is pointing at. Depending on how you've setup your IK Constraint, you can also control the twist rotation of your bones by rotating them in the FK skeleton (see "Reference" setting https://www.soxware.com/umotion-manual/InverseKinematics.html#Setup).

In case you have any follow-up questions, please further explain your use-case scenario.

Best regards,


Blend Shapes into FBX animation

Gabriel Serrano 5 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 months ago 3

Hello UMotion team,
We are trying to animate blendshapes but are running into an issue when exporting the clip from UMotion into an FBX. We get the warning: "Ignoring component property (BlendShapeNameHere) component properties are not supported by the *.fbx".

This works fine if we export directly to an *.anim.

We export to an FBX so that our team can easily crop animations and add events to the clips directly in Unity's inspector. Also, the overall file size of the FBX + animation clip is less than the animation clip on its own.

In Blender, we're able to create an animation that animates the rig and the blendshapes. When we import this into Unity, the animation data contains the path to the blendshapes within the mesh. So long as this path is the same in other FBXs, we're able to animate their blendshapes.

Is it possible to achieve this with UMotion and if not, is it possible to add this feature? Our workaround within Blender would create a tremendous level of new workload hours on our team and bring about its own complications. This feature would be an enormous time saver and fit with the team's existing workflow within UMotion. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I will attach reference images below.

Thank you.

Here is a reference of the working file from Blender.
An empty mesh with Facial blend shape data, A rig, and One animation clip with test animation and blendshapes in one.

Image 1425

Error message with BlendShapes on the animation

Image 1426


Hi Gabriel,
thank you very much for your support request.

As you correctly notices, exporting animation curves that reference Unity specific components (like blend shapes that reference the SkinnedMeshRenderer component) is currently not possible using the UMotion FBX export feature. Do you have an FBX file that contains blend shape animation curves that you could provide so that I can look at how they are usually stored in FBX and check if it would be possible to do that using UMotion? Please note that I can't promise anything yet, though.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Can you use Inverse kinematic for a lerping Gameobject?

Recktarded 5 months ago updated 5 months ago 5

Hello, i would like to have some NPC s go between transforms by lerping, i am looking for an asset that would let me to have a procedual animation(or some inverse kinematic) of the legs moving. Can this asset animate while it s lerping/ when the NPC starts to move? 


Hi Recktarded,
thank you very much for your support requests. You typically would use root motion for animating the character and let it follow a path via a script. This would generate better/more natural looking results than procedural animations. It's also more straight forward.

You can optionally use UMotion to create or modify the walking root motion animation for your character. You would then setup an Animator Controller just like you would do for the player character and combine this with scripts. Here is a video tutorial I found related to this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAGjKxH4sDQ

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,