
Set default path for File>Open

skinwalker 5 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 5 years ago 2


My idea is to set default directory when you click File>Open. It may seem like a small thing, but for people like me who spend a lot of time in uMotion switching between different projects and having them nested 4-5 folders deep in the Assets folder, it would be a time saver. Example - Assets>_Project>Animations>MyCompany>Custom>UMotion could be a default directory for all my uMotion projects.

Hope you will consider my idea :)


thank you very much for sharing your ideas. Ideas for quality of life improvements like this are something I'm always especially interested in.

I'm going to consider your ideas for the upcoming updates.

Best regards,


How to remove foot motion?

skinwalker 5 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 5 years ago 1
Hello there,

My animation in unity has the foot going up and down, which is not what I want and when I import it into uMotion the foot is frozen on the ground as it should be, the problem is that I can see a bit of "shivering" effect, its slightly moving up and down when you zoom in.

I have tried to inspect the curves and this is what I found for leftFoot.

Image 339

Im not sure if the problem comes from the Z axis thats in blue, because the other two look relatively flat. Do you have any ideas how I can 100% get rid of any motion thats on the foot and just keep it there locked and not moving?



thank you very much for your support request.

The foot position is a result of all the rotation curves of the foot's parent bones (and the position curve of the hips/root). Either delete all the key frames (except the first one) of all those curves or use IK Pinning to pin the foot to the ground.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


I need to move the IK handle via code

Peter - Soxware Developer 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 4

I need to move the IK handle via code to sync up final iK. I tried, GameObject.Find("Umotion_IK_Handle");

but runtime clears the "game object to animate".   How can I control the IK at runtime via code?


thank you very much for your support request.

The results of the IK algorithm are baked into the exported animation (like when you would be using IK in Blender, Maya,... and then export to Unity). You can of course use Final IK (or any other runtime IK solution) on top of the created animation. You can also use Final IK inside UMotion and then decide weather you want to bake the IK into the animation or execute the IK during runtime. You can use an empty GameObject (created outside of UMotion) as IK handle. For further information, check out the manual chapter "Pose Editor/Options" at headline "Extending UMotion".

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


How i can use ik rotation?

Anonymous 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 8

Hello, i have pro version and i have a question. How i can use ik rotation? There is no rotation ik pole on my Channels panel. Im trying to animate hands with gun with UMotion, and when i rotate hand by IK, i cant rotate other bones and as a result i have overlap\stretch faces. How should i figure out this?

Image 332


thank you very much for your support request.

To control the orientation of the elbow (i.e. the pole rotation) you have two options depending on how you configured your IK constraint:

  1. If you have created an IK pole target (the IK Setup Wizard does that by default), move the pole target (the blue wired sphere) to rotate the elbow to where you want it to be.
  2. If you have not created an IK pole target, use the "IK Pole Rotation" channel to rotate the ellbow.

The rotation of the hand can either be controlled via the rotation of the IK target (the wired cube) or via the FK rotation of the hand bones. This again depends on how you've setup the IK constraint.

For further information, please check out the manual at "Pose Editor/Constraint System/Inverse Kinematics" or take a look at the in-depth video tutorial related to IK:

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


tail bones weight

Anonymous 5 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 5 years ago 1

I am rigging a character that has (5) tail bones that I would like to use IK. The rigging is not a problem, But the IK interpolation is linear, resulting in the tail always being straight. I need to have an weighted influence on the tail bones, so that I can achieve curves, is this only achieved via IK pivot?


thank you very much for your support request.

From my experience it's usually sufficient to use the following FK method for animating tails which result in very good results:

  • Hold Shift while selecting the first (top most) bone of the tail. This automatically selects all child bones too.
  • Then use the rotation tool to apply a rotation in the direction you want the tail to move. Notice how the rotation is smoothly distributed between all bones of your tail:

The IK feature in UMotion isn't really optimized for smooth tail movement. If you have a good tail IK solver (or know how to write your own) you can use UMotion's Callback System to integrate it into UMotion. UMotion can even bake the results into the exported animation (to save some CPU performance as you don't need to execute the tail IK during runtime). For further information see UMotion manual at chapter "Pose Editor / Options" headline "Extending UMotion".

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Negative Values for Blendshapes

Anonymous 5 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 5

I am using some custom blendshapes with UMotion that require negative values keyed for the inverse effect applied to my character. Unity 2019 not supports inverse values entered into the blendshape value channel, but UMotion does not allow negative values and defaults to a limit of 0. Is there any work around to allow negative values keyed on blendshape channels in my UMotion created clips?


thank you very much for your support request.

Yes that is possible. UMotion just configures the "Custom Property Constraints" for the blend shapes by default with limits ranging from 0-100 (as this is the most common use-case). In order to set different limits, switch into Config Mode and select the bone/transform that has the blend shapes assigned. Then open the Constraints tab and change the limits to e.g. -100 ... 100:

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Could you please make a tutorial on how UMotion can be used with other assets such as Final IK or PuppetMaster

Anonymous 5 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 5 years ago 1

Could you please make a tutorial on how UMotion can be used with other assets such as Final IK or PuppetMaster.

The manual does not describe this process sufficiently.

Are there any kind of resources about it?


thank you very much for your support request.

PuppetMaster is a run-time functionality for blending between animations and physics (ragdoll). You can create the animations with UMotion just like you would create any other animation. There isn't anything specific to show when creating the animation with the goal to use it combined with PuppetMaster.

What exactly are you planning to do with FinalIK? In UMotion, you could again create the regular animation and then in your game use Final IK on top of it (that would again just be plane animating in UMotion). Or you can use the FinalIK components inside UMotion (to replace UMotion's built in IK). That would require the use of the UMotion callback system (see manual at chapter "Pose Editor / Options" headline "Extending UMotion").

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Can you lock the interpolation mode?

Yokenstein 5 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 5 years ago 1

Is it possible to lock the interpolation mode to stepped/constant? Adding new keys seems to automatically make the tangents into 'auto' by default. Is it possible to set the default tangent to constant without manual intervention every single time after adding a new key?



Hi Shayan,
thank you very much for your support request.

If there is a key with tangent mode "constant" (i.e. stepped) before and after the new created key, UMotion is automatically going to create new keys in between with tangent mode "constant" too. So what you could do is that you create a temporary animation key at a frame at the predicted end of your animation that is has it's tangent mode set to "constant".

Unfortunately there is currently no feature that would allow you to set a default tangent mode.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,



How To create an advanced foot roll IK rig

Anonymous 5 years ago updated by LeeShey 11 months ago 3

Hi, I'm at a loss here. Sorry if not 100% strictly related to this asset, but how do you go about setting up a rig that allows for IK pinning of a foot and toes? I'm talking about something like what's shown here (at 2:49):

Youtube video

I've read the docs and watched the tutorials, and there's no guide for how to do this with UMotion.

I have UMotion Pro, in case it matters.


thank you very much for your support request.

The foot roll setup shown in this video was based on a Blender tutorial that I saw in the past (can't find it anymore).

Here is a quick instruction how it was created. Please note that this instruction requires basic knowledge about the features of the "Config Mode". I highly recommend following it using the Robot Kyle model from the examples and later in a second step try it on your own model.

  1. Create a new UMotion project
  2. Run the IK Setup Wizard with default settings
  3. Stay in Config Mode and extrude the toes bone (I recommend doing this in an orthogonal side view):
  4. Create 4 custom transforms at the center of the toe joint. Move one to where the heel ends and one to where the toes and. Keep the other two at the center. Give them a proper naming and visual appearance:
  5. Adjust the parent/child relationship as shown in the screenshot below:
  6. Create a new bone at the center of "Right_Toe_Extruded" and make it a child of the "Right_MiddleLower" bone.
  7. Make the "Right_Heel" a child of the "Hips".
  8. Make the "IK_Foot_R" a child of the "Right_MiddleUpper" bone.
  9. Setup an IK constraint on the "Right_Toe_IK_Target". The target is the "Right_Toe_Extruded" bone, the bone lenght is 1 and click on the "Up" button for correct bend plane orientation.
  10. Setup a Custom Property constraint on the "Right_Heel" for controlling both FK/IK Blend channels at once:
  11. In the "Properties" tab, set the "Visibility" to "Hide" for the "Right_Ankle_Joint_01", the "Right_Toe_Joint_01" and the "Right_Toe_Extruded".
  12. Change the appearance of the "Foot_IK_Right":
  13. (Optional) Add a Child-Of constraint to the "Right_Heel" and enable the "IK Pinning Mode". This allows you to pin the heel in your animation (otherwise it would move with the hips).
  14. Save the Reference Pose.
  15. Repeat for the second foot.

You can now switch to Pose Mode to test your setup. Make sure to set the "FK/IK Blend" slider of the heels to 1. Setting the "Rig Layer" to "IK" hides all the unnecessary FK bones.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Best regards,


Fighting animations

LinXx 5 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 5 years ago 1

Can I create my own fighting animations straight out of the box with this asset without any other tools? 


thank you very much for your support request.

Yes you can. The quality of the result is going to depend on your artistic skills of course :-)

If you need to sync fighting animations of two or more characters, you can use the "sync with Unity Timeline" feature of UMotion. That way you can animate one character while previewing the animation of the other character in context.

High-res video:

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,