
Different position on play mode

alesta a88 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 4


I try to change sitting position ofthe  character. When I try to change it in the play mode - characters position is different:

Image 387

Image 388

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?



thank you very much for your support request.

Looks like the root motion settings aren't  configured in the way you want them to be. Select the exported animation clip (in Unity's project window). The inspector window is then showing you all the root motion settings:

In your screenshot it looks like the "Root Transform Position (XZ)" is set to "Center of Mass". Set it to "Original" instead (this is going to take the XZ position from your animation clip). Depending on your situation, you might also consider using "Bake Into Pose". Please check out the Unity manual to learn more about each of this settings:

Please let me know in case you have any follow up questions.

Best regards,



IK Twists bones while FK does not, but can not modify FK

Anonymous 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 4


As the title states, when using IK it causes the shoulder bones to twist during the animation, while if I leave it on FK, then the bones are not twisting.

I would like to modify this animation slightly, but given the twisting when trying to use IK, it doesn't appear that I am able to since FK isn't letting me modify all of the transforms?

No Twist:



thank you very much for your support request.

You can control the twist (i.e. the pole rotation) using the pole handle (the wired sphere near the elbow). In the gif you can see that the pole handle orbits around the arm causing it to twist. If you keep the pole handle at the desired place, there should be no twisting happening.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

Under review

Error when opening projects

influjensbahr 4 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago 4

Hi there,

for a few days now I could not open Animation Projects. I always get this error.

Image 385

This happens on different project files, not just one. The File - Restore Project from Backup is greyed out. "Ignore" doesn't work, I have to click it many times until I can work again and then everything is bugged. Restarting doesn't work either. So I thought I'd report this bug here :-)

What can I do?



[FEATURE REQUEST] Noise additive channel

Martina 4 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago 1

I've been using UMotion for around a year now and I love it. It's intuitive, the additive and override layers are super useful for adding slight changes to existing animations and the widgets for moving groups of bones (spine, fingers, ...) is without a doubt top notch.

One thing that I find myself doing a lot is creating a "character pose" that looks good and then add an additive layer on top to slightly modify the different bones to add breathing, fingers twitching, etc... Basically a simple way to add idle poses and more organic cycles.

Would you consider adding some sort of Perlin noise modifier for additive layers? So we can add noise to each bone individually.

If you do, here's some thoughts about how to do it: One could select the range of frames at which to apply the noise to a bone/bones. Then, a window appears and you can preview the result, allowing you to modify the strength, speed and magnitude of the noise. Once you click apply, the noise is baked onto each frame of the range. What I am not sure about doing is making so that the end of the frame should match the beginning position, so it's easier to make loopable animations.

Also, inside the options, it would be cool to have access to the "seed" of the perlin noise and being able to apply an offset. That way, one could animate a breathing, while using the same seed, but slightly offsetting it to make the arms follow up the animation a bit behind.

Thanks and have a great week!


Hi Martina,

thank you very much for your detailed feature request. I really appreciate how much thought you've already put into this.

I've added this to my "ideas for the future" list where I collect all ideas so that I can consider them when creating new UMotion versions. At the moment though, my focus is mainly on smaller quality of life improvements and stability improvements of existing features/workflows.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,



umotion and timeline ofset

Robin 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 4

hi peter hope you are ok

is there anything i can do about this

i have a object generic that i animate in umotion(better than sliced bread)

all works great save the clip

open time line add the clip to the object

but it starts from position 0 

not were i started it in umotion yes i can move it in the timeline offset but if its rotated at a strange angle it can get impossible to match it up its probably something i'm doing wrong here's a short video to show you what i mean

cheer robin



Hi Robin,

thank you very much for your support request.

In the following screenshots I marked the settings that relate to what position/rotation offset and how Unity timeline applies them to an animation clip/track. You might want to check out the timeline documentation (and the tool tips in the UI) to learn more about what they exactly do. Also try playing around with them to see what works best in your case.

I'm not 100% sure but the root motion settings of the clip itself might also be respected by Timeline:

If you do not manage to get it working, you can send me your scene (with all the related things I need to reproduce this on my PC) and I can check it out myself. You can send this to me via the email support form (or request a link to my Dropbox if file size is too big).

Best regards,


Error when loading UMotion Pro for the first time in Unity 2017

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago 1

I get this error message when I start UMotion Pro for the first time in Unity:

TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'ΊΉΊΊΊΊΊΊΊΉΊΉΉΉΉΊΊΊΊΉΊΊΊΊΉΉΊΊΉΉΊΉΉΊΊΊΊΊΉΊΉΊΊΉΊΊΊ' from assembly 'UMotionEditor, Version=1.0.7484.14450, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

What error is this, will it still work?
I hope it will still work!


thank you very much for your support request.

This error is just a false alert generated by Unity when it loads some of the dlls. Everything should work just fine, you can safely ignore this error.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Blend animations

Martin Pichler 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

Hey Peter,

I have 4 directional movement animations and an aiming animation. When I use animation layers from Unitys animator, the characters rotation is way off. Do you have a recommended way of how I can use UMotion to combine the aim and walking animations into a single animation. Basically I want to use the aim animation from the torso upward and the walking animations for feet and rootmotion. 

Thank you :)


Hi Martin,

thank you very much for your support request.

Yes it's easy to combine the animations in UMotion:

  1. Create a UMotion project and assign your character to the Pose Editor.
  2. Import all animations, that you want to combine.
  3. Open the aim animation and select all keys (CTRL + A in the Clip Editor) and copy them (CTRL + C)
  4. Open the first movement animation and create a new animation layer of type override
  5. Paste the aim animation keys (CTRL + V) into the new layer
  6. Delete all keys of bones you don't want to override
  7. Optional: You can play with the blend weight of the layer in case you don't want to 100% override the upper body.
  8. Repeat for the other movement animations.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


How to properly make use of UMotion Pro along with Final-IK

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago 7

Hi There ! I would like to understand how to properly make use of UMotion Pro, along with Final-IK. I mainly aim to take advantage of Final-IK's "Biped IK Solvers" to create the key poses needed by the animations even more easily & faster. I've tried to add the CallBack "UpdateSolver" as mentioned in the docs... but didn't see any changes... please help !


thank you very much for your support request.

  1. Create your IK rig outside of UMotion (using Final IK). You need to use dedicated game objects as IK goals (the Final IK gizmos can't be animated by UMotion).
  2. Make sure that everything works: Enter play mode and drag the IK targets around. The character should change it's pose properly.
  3. Then back in UMotion, set the callback name (Pose Editor --> Options) to "UpdateSolver" (you did that already correctly). UMotion should now be executing the Final IK scripts at edit time.
  4. In UMotion's config mode, make the custom IK goals visible (you can also configure their appearance).
  5. (Optional) Use custom property constraints to control the properties of the Final IK solver from within your animation.
  6. Back in Pose Mode, moving the IK goals should correctly modify your character (like previously in play mode).

Please let me know in case this doesn't work for you.

Best regards,


Binding Warning : Some generic clips animate transforms ...

Tuck 4 years ago updated 3 years ago 3

I receive the following warning message when I select my character I've applied an animation to that I created in UMotion ...

When I start the game my character immediately falls through the stairs halfway (only when the animation is applied) ...

Disclaimer : This is my first attempt to use UMotion and I've only been using Unity for a month. The animation plays just how I want when I view it in UMotion, but when I carry it into Unity and view the scene with the game running the above happens.


I figured out the issue. I don't know why but the Animations Rig tab Animation Type was set to Generic instead of Humanoid. 


Weird behaviour with humanoid Avatar Mask that contains extra bone

Corvostudio 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

I animated some characters with uMotion and in particular with child-of constraint option.
Here's what I've done

Image 374

Basically the rifle attached to right hand (weapon is child of a bone called "WeaponJnt" that is contained in imported skeleton. I did this just as I learned from another topic I made where I added the weapon transform as new transform in prefab, but now i created a new bone in Autodesk Maya, so I'm using an humanoid skeleton with an extra bone)

Everything works just great when I just animate the character with Mechanim, without using Avatar Masks (As you can see, rifle became child of constraint of left hand, so even if weapon is under an extra bone it get recognized from animation):

Image 375

However I still have the same problem I had when i was using a new transform instead of an extra bone as weapon transform; The mask dosn't get applied on the rifle transform, wich dosn't get animated and dosn't follow left hand during animation.
Mask seems correctly implemented.

Image 376

After watching tons of similar posts I guess this should be working quite good;The animation can see and animate the extra bone, bvut the mask, even if the bone is imported, visible and ticked, got ignored. 
Also the name, parent transform etc of the imported extra bone haven't been modified in character prefab.



thank you very much for your support request.

If the animation works correctly after being exported from UMotion (and not using the avatar mask), then UMotion did everything correct (= the animation is OK). So the issue must be related to your animator controller/avatar mask setup. To debug such issues, the easiest way would be to compare the local rotation/local position values of each bone of the not working setup with the working setup. Then you can see at which bone the differences start and then check why that bone is manipulated by the Animator component in such a way. Please note that from the last spine bone on, all bones need to have the correct orientation/position otherwise your hands won't reach the weapon correctly. Maybe your second layer in the animator controller is additive instead of override? Or the blending weight is not 1?

Best regards,