
Wrap keyframes for looping animations

Johan Aires Rastén 4 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago 2

I think it would be easier to make smooth looping animations if the timeline wrapped around.

For example if I have an animation that is 100 frames long (frames 0 to 99) and put one keyframe at 0 and another at 80. Since 80 is the last frame it would behave is if there was an identical frame to 0 at position 100, giving a smooth wrap around.

It would work the same for the start of the timeline, so if I only had keyframes at 15 and 80 (still assuming 100 frames total) it would make a virtual copy of 15 at 115 and a copy of 80 at frame -20 so that it can interpolate all values for all frames in the animation.

This has two IMO significant benefits for looping animations:

1. Not having to maintain a copy of the start frame at frame "animation length + 1".

2. It would be much easier to time-offset a single animated property. Unless I'm mistaken right now if you move an animation track you have to figure out the transform values at "animation length + 1" and copy those to a new keyframe at time=0.

It would of course only be enabled for looping animations

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for sharing your idea. I really appreciate that.

I like your idea and have put it on my ideas for the future list. Please note that I can't promise anything as of right now, but be assured that your idea is heard.

Best regards,


Thanks for replying!

Have you considered making the Pro version a source code release btw? I was thinking I might be able to add this myself if I bought it.

Satisfaction mark by Johan Aires Rastén 4 years ago

thank you very much for sharing your idea. I really appreciate that.

I like your idea and have put it on my ideas for the future list. Please note that I can't promise anything as of right now, but be assured that your idea is heard.

Best regards,

Have you considered making the Pro version a source code release btw? I was thinking I might be able to add this myself if I bought it.

I currently have no plans on releasing a source code version of UMotion, I'm sorry.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards,