Important Information: I'm out of office from August 13th until August 27th (inclusive). Your support requests might not get answered during that time frame, but I'm going to make sure to answer all of them on August 28th.

Thanks for your understanding.

Best regards,
Peter (Developer)


How do i know if this will work, without purchasing it and wasting money if it doesnt?

squigglyfrogstudios 7 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 7 months ago 1

So, without spending $70 ... and not knowing anything about animation or modeling, how do i know if this would even work? I dont know what or even how to know if a model can be converted to a humanoid from generic or not? And since apparently theres no way to test without purchasing.. im stuck.. Where can i go from here? I dont do enough 3d to even begin to justify saying ill buy it and i'll use it later down the road.. chances are I wont. 99% of everything i do is 2d.. this just happens to be that 1%, and i only want this for maybe, 3-4 animations total.. any thoughts here? i can happily supply the animation and/or the model via email ?


thank you very much for your support request. The animation converter cost's 25$ not 70$ (you probably confused this with UMotion Pro): Animation Converter - Asset Store

Unfortunately we do not offer a trail version of the animation converter.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Animation Converter doesn't start

Anonymous 9 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 9 months ago 3

After import I see the Tab Window/Animation Converter
but if I click it I can't see the the Converter Window.
No way to start it, no log inside console.
Redownload or reimport doesn't help.


thank you very much for your support request.

Please try to create a fresh Unity project and import Animation Converter their and see if that helps. Maybe some of your other assets/scripts in your current project have compile errors and Unity is not able to recompile after you import the Animation Converter.

What operating system are you using? Windows?

Please let me know in case you need further assistance.

Best regards,


How does UMotion load Mecanim format files?

Kennard Consulting 1 year ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 1 year ago 1

Hi guys,

I am curious how UMotion manages to import Mecanim format files. Is there an API or library that can parse .anim files (binary or ASCII) into Unity AnimationClip objects? Or did you guys have to implement this from scratch?




Hi Richard,

thank you very much for your support request.

This has been implemented from scratch.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Exporting Animations as an FBX

NeoDragoon195 1 year ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 1 year ago 3

I have both Animation Converter and UMotion and I have been trying to Export animations I made in UMotion as an FBX, so I can Import them in Blender using UMotion or The Animation Converter to Export them, but for some reason the Hand IK pinning does not transfer over right, but the rest of the animation pose is fine, like for example the Foot IK works fine when I used the Animation Converter to Export the the Hand IK is in the wrong position. I don't understand what's is going wrong when I try to convert the Animations.


thank you very much for your support request.

UMotion has built in FBX Exporting capabilities. The Animation Converter's purpose is to convert form one *.anim format to another *.anim format. The Animation Converter is not capable of exporting to FBX so it shouldn't be used in this case.

Here is the link to the export chapter of the UMotion manual:

If you do continue to have problems with UMotion's FBX export, please post some further information:

- a screenshot of your export settings

- are you using humanoid or generic?

- a screenshot/video showing comparing the animation as shown in UMotion vs the exported animation

Best regards,


Can I convert from Wolf to Cat that have similiar sizes.

Xix 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

Hello I m thinking of buying this asset, but I m unsure if it will actualy help me.

I was wondering if this allows me to transfer animations from different 4 legged animals. Like animations from a Wolf to a Leopard. The wolf & Cat have similair sizes and booth have tails.

For this wolf I have like 100+ animations availble, while for the Leopard only like 14. I have this issue alot with assets while one offers a large amount of animations others provide nothing or the bare minimal. 


thank you very much for your support request.

What you are looking for is called animation re-targeting (for 4 legged characters). Something neither Unity nor the Animation Converter is capable, I'm sorry.

Both are only capable of re-targeting human like (2 legged) characters.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Conversion of animations in models of different sizes

rabberdakk 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 4

I have a Generic model and a Generic animation. These are models that are smaller than the other models (x0.6). When I convert this animation to Humanoid using Animation Converter. And I apply it to the other models (normal size, x1.0), the amount of movement in the animation is wrong. Large fluctuations are occurring. Perhaps the non-muscle movement (Root T or Foot T?) is not match.

As a counter to this problem, I changed the Scale Factor of the FBX Prefab registered to Output (Humanoid) in AnimationConverter to 1.6 and tried the conversion again. Then the animation wobble fixed!!

Image 1255

But, character has dived into the floor (idk why).

Image 1256

So I set Root Transform Position Y to minus in clip inspector and let it set on the ground.

Image 1257

I though everything seemed to work fine.

Image 1258

But when I enabled Foot IK, a monster was born. This monster floats in the air and spreads its legs...

Image 1259

I'm not sure how to solve this problem. Could you please advise me?

I think the animationConverter's dll needs a scale or an offset feature, though...?



thank you very much for your support request.

Make sure that the humanoid version and the generic version of your character has the same size during conversion (ideally both should NOT be scaled i.e. scaling is 1). As you've already painfully noticed, humanoid doesn't do really well when the 3D model has scaling involved.

I hope this helps. Let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

Add the feature to add suffix (e.g. humanoid, generic) to the converted animation

rabberdakk 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 1

Please add the feature to add suffix (e.g. humanoid, generic) to the converted animation.

NOTE: This issue has been resolved by contacting support previously


In what situations can this asset be used in?

Anonymous 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 1

hi. I bought this asset, but I have a lot of questions. What is the difference between changing an animation fbx file set as 'Generic' to 'Humanoid' in Unity Editor? Currently, I feel that it is no different from applying after changing the animation type from Generic to Humanoid in the Unity fbx Animation settings. I'm so curious about what situations this asset can be used in.


thank you very much for your support request.

The Animation Converter provides possibilities to convert your animations in cases where you can't simply switch the FBX configuration. For example:

  1. In situation where you only have *.anim files but no *.FBX files, you need the Animation Converter to do the conversion.
  2. When you want to use a humanoid mocap animation on a generic character, you can't simply switch the configuration of the FBX file to generic (the resulting animation wouldn't work on the generic character as the mocap rig doesn't match the characters rig). The Animation Converter offers a convenient workflow to do this type of conversion.
    This is mostly useful for performance optimization as humanoid comes with a performance overhead.

For more information, please check the video tutorials on the Asset Store product page.

In the specific case you described (you have a humanoid compatible FBX and you want to change the configuration from generic to humanoid), it is not necessary to use the Animation Converter.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Can I convert a Generic Animation clip to a Humanoid type within a Script?

moonrjung 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 1

Hi, I bought this Asset. Good Job. 

I wrote a script which reads a bvh motion file and constructs a skeleton and animation clip (non-legacy) 
from it. This script also applies this animation clip in run time by using AnimatorOverrideController. 
I have no problem with animating the skeleton. 

But when I wanted to retarget the motion to a different human character, it did not work.

I found that the animation clip generated is of a generic type, not a humanoid type. 

Is there any way for me to convert an animation clip of a generic type to a humanoid type in the Script? 

I skimmed over the source code of the asset. I found the following method:

AnimationConverter.Convert(clipsToConvertList.ToArray(), configuration, out logMessages);

Is there any way for me to use this method from my script?



thank you very much for your support request.

Yes you can access the Animation Converter's functionality via C# scripts. Here you can find the documentation of the Animation Converter's scripting API:

The Animation Converter's editor window uses the scripting API mentioned above. You can use it as a usage example.

I would recommend that before writing your code, try to do your conversion manually using the window. Then write your script that automates the steps you previously performed manually.

Please note that the functionality of the animation converter is only available at edit time. Your script needs to be placed in an "Editor" folder within your Unity project in order to work.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up question.

Best regards,


Animation doesn't work outside of Unity

Peter - Soxware Developer 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 1
Hi, @SoxwareInteractive

We have bought your tool "Animation Converter" to convert humanoid->generic animations.
During the process, we had encountered some issues and are wondering if buying "UMotion Pro" can fix it.

After the humanoid->generic animation conversion, the rotation curves on some bone transforms are broken into segments instead of a continuous curve. The yellow curve has several segments that jump from -180 to +180.

The original humanoid clip and the converted generic clip both played fine inside unity, but we exported the generic animation to FBX (using the official FBX exporter by Unity). And later opened them in MAX, and MAYA, that particular bone is flickering like crazy.

Is there anyway to fix it? Maybe some filters to auto fix -180 to +180 wrapping issue?

I have already tried AnimationCurve.SmoothTangents(), AnimationClip.EnsureQuaternionContinuity(); but that didn't fix the problem.

Thanks a lot in advance.

We are running into the exact problem. From humanoid -> generic, in Unity is ok as long as "Resample Curves" is used, but the animation doesn't work outside of Unity, since the keys in the converted animation are quaternion and not Euler interpolation.

Wondering if you have any suggestion,
