
Having trouble "grabbing" bones in pose editor

Anonymous 5 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 5 years ago 5


Having an annoying issue. Creating animations with a model in UMotion usually works well, but lately I find after several bone manipulations, I can no longer "Grab" or select the bones by clicking them like usual. I use stick mode, but switching does not fix the issue.

At first I figured it might have something to do with the focus of the camera, zooming in with the mouse wheel or something like that but compensations for this did not fix the issue.

My current fix is not one I can work with -- Im currently exiting unity and restarting it in order to be able to grab the bones again. This usually last me about 25 or so clicks before it cant find the bones again. I tried focusing on a bone ( I can select them in the clip editor, but that's no way to live ) and hitting the "Focus camera" option in the pose editor but it does nothing.

How do I get it so I can consistently click the bones and grab them?
( Note I already made some longer animations with the same model but it just randomly started happening )

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



Ok so I believe I've isolated the asset in question. Following the steps you provided, I got to the point where clicks stopped registering and started stripping the assets out and testing to see if the issue persist. I finally got to an asset called "Ultimate Billboard" a cheap billboard solution. After deleting it ( Link here ) the latest version 1.0

My version of Unity is 2019.1.11f1

Anyway after deleting it Umotion worked normally. Weird because I hadn't used the billboards yet, I had just planned to and had the asset sitting there up until this point having made a few animations. Anyway, glad that's settled, thanks for the support!

Under review

thank you very much for your support request.

I remember that a different user had a similar problem. Turned out that another asset (I think it was called "Multispector") consumed the scene mouse click events even though it shouldn't (thus UMotion never received a mouse click). So what you could do is that you check if any other asset is causing the issue (duplicate the Unity project, edit an animation till the problem happens then start deleting third party assets).

If this is even happening in a new empty Unity project, please send me the project via the email support form (or request a link to my Dropbox also via email if size is too big). Please also add your Unity version, UMotion Version plus operating system (Win, Mac or Linux) to the report.

Best regards,

Ah, thank you for the suggestion I'll have to try that, I can only imagine which asset is the culprit... sorry about the lack of support info I was in a hurry. I believe this may solve the issue though

Please let me know if you find the asset that causes the issues, makes it easier for me to support others with a similar problem :-)

Best regards,


Ok so I believe I've isolated the asset in question. Following the steps you provided, I got to the point where clicks stopped registering and started stripping the assets out and testing to see if the issue persist. I finally got to an asset called "Ultimate Billboard" a cheap billboard solution. After deleting it ( Link here ) the latest version 1.0

My version of Unity is 2019.1.11f1

Anyway after deleting it Umotion worked normally. Weird because I hadn't used the billboards yet, I had just planned to and had the asset sitting there up until this point having made a few animations. Anyway, glad that's settled, thanks for the support!

Glad to here that you've found the cause of the issue and that you've shared your results.

If you want to look into fixing this issue (and know a bit of scripting), check the scripts that are within an editor folder of this asset. It is probably calling Event.current.Use(); even though it does nothing with those events (e.g. mouse clicks). Instead there should be a check like:

if (/*this GUI event is needed by my asset*/)


   /* consume the event */


Best regards,
