
Mirror Generic Animation

bilalmohamed18 4 years ago updated 10 months ago 7

I have a Generic animation file with an animation where the 'left leg' is the leading leg. I would like to mirror it and make the 'right leg' the leading leg. I tried the 'Copy to Other Side' option for each keyframe (which is a very tedious process) however, the results are not perfect as I am noticing some extra rotations.

Will be great if you could let me know how the mirroring can be achieved using UMotion Pro.

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for your support request.

Unfortunately, UMotion currently does not have a functionality to mirror a whole generic animation. Mirror to other side is currently the only available functionality. I have a generic mirror on my to-do list but due to the complexity of this feature I currently can not estimate when such a feature is going to be available.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


thank you very much for your support request.

Unfortunately, UMotion currently does not have a functionality to mirror a whole generic animation. Mirror to other side is currently the only available functionality. I have a generic mirror on my to-do list but due to the complexity of this feature I currently can not estimate when such a feature is going to be available.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the quick reply. Do I have to do 'Copy to Other Side' individually for each key frame? Is there a quicker way to copy it across?

Can you recommend any workarounds apart from using 'Copy to Other Side' if you have any? Do you think Blender or any other software will allow me to do this?



The "Copy to Other Side" functionality can't flip "single" bones (like the spine for example) which is probably your issue. Btw. you can copy a whole animation to the other side pretty fast using shortcuts. I did this in this video tutorial (at 10:13):

Yes external 3D modeling applications usually have a mirror functionality for animation clips.

Best regards,


Great! Thanks Peter. I will have a look.

A workaround I've been using is to export the animation clip you want mirrored.  Then select the clip, in the inspector window, check the mirror box.  Go back into Umotion and import the newly mirrored clip.  Now you can edit, copy/paste the newly mirrored keyframes where needed.

Great tip from anonymous ^ It works. But a mirror function should definitely be added.