Under review

RootMotion problem

makaolachsiungca 4 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago 5

Somehow humanoid's hips transform show "different difference variable" between local coordnate and global coordnate,which cause rootmotion inaccurate.

"different difference variable">>between two frame FrameStart and FrameEnd, localposition take 0f difference at Y-axis,but once swtich to global unit, it takes 0.01f  difference at Y-axis, same problem also happen on rotation 

UMotion Version:
1.23 pro
Unity Version:


Not a bug

thank you very much for your support request.

Animations only use local coordinates internally. The world space coordinate you see in the tool assistant window, is the local coordinate converted to world space. Due to floating point inaccuracies (especially noticeable if your character has huge scaling or is far away from the scene's center), the displayed value can have small errors.

Please let me know in case you need any further assistance.

Best regards,

Not a bug

thank you very much for your support request.

Animations only use local coordinates internally. The world space coordinate you see in the tool assistant window, is the local coordinate converted to world space. Due to floating point inaccuracies (especially noticeable if your character has huge scaling or is far away from the scene's center), the displayed value can have small errors.

Please let me know in case you need any further assistance.

Best regards,

i was using local coordinate to zero the position, but it still sink or float while repeat root motion, only adjust it by global coordinate can solve this problem, the cruve in UMotion editor copy by the local coordinate and make the animation loop not seal too

In order for me to being able to help you with your situation, can you please provide some further information (maybe a video or some screenshots demonstrating your issues)?

Have you checked the root motion settings of your exported animation clip (shown in the Inspector of the exported animation clip): https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-AnimationClip.html#ClipProperties

These settings influence how root motion is applied to your character.

Best regards,

Same globalPosition but two localPosition, and if I align with localPosition this animation wouldn't seal a loop

Under review

That looks strange indeed. I did a few tests but wasn't able to reproduce this, so this might be dependent on your exact situation. May I ask you to send me a repo project that includes just everything I need to reproduce your exact situation. Ideally this would be a scene with your character in it (without textures if you want), plus the related UMotion project file. Before sending, please ensure that this problem is still happening in the repo project. Please do not include any unrelated files.

You can send this to me via the email support form (or if file size is too big, request a link to my Dropbox via said form).

Thank you very much.

Best regards,