
💣 CRASH When exporting to FBX

mel 4 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago 12


I've tried many different settings but it always crashes at some point on macOS using 2020.2

Here is the stack trace before the crash:

2021-01-03 21:31:36.868 Unity[72929:19630432] [QL] could not find seamless opening request for port 251683
Fallback handler could not load library /Volumes/DATA/_UNITY/2020.2.0f1/
Fallback handler could not load library /Volumes/DATA/_UNITY/2020.2.0f1/
Fallback handler could not load library /Volumes/DATA/_UNITY/2020.2.0f1/
Fallback handler could not load library /Volumes/DATA/_UNITY/2020.2.0f1/
Obtained 23 stack frames.
#0 0x007fff59fc32c2 in __pthread_kill
#1 0x007fff59f2d6a6 in abort
#2 0x007fff5a03c077 in malloc_vreport
#3 0x007fff5a054e0d in malloc_zone_error
#4 0x007fff5a03884b in tiny_free_list_remove_ptr
#5 0x007fff5a03621c in tiny_free_no_lock
#6 0x007fff5a035d79 in free_tiny
#7 0x000001bf47ff4c in CSharp_Globals_Release_WeakPointerHandle
#8 0x000002cf554776 in (wrapper managed-to-native) ΊΉΊΊΉΊΉΉΉΉΉΉΉΊΉΉΉΊΉΉΊΊΊΉΉΉΊΊΊΊΉΊΊΉΊΉΊΊΉΊΊΊΉΉΊΉΊ:ΉΉΊΊΊΊΉΉΉΉΉΊΊΊΉΉΉΊΊΉΊΊΊΊΊΉΉΉΉΉΉΉΉΊΊΊΉΊΊΊΉΊΉΉΊΉΉ (System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef) {0x7fe38cfbb950} + 0x66 (0x2cf554710 0x2cf5547fd) [0x187b08960 - Unity Child Domain]
#9 0x000002cf554503 in ΉΊΉΊΊΊΉΉΉΊΉΊΊΉΊΊΉΉΊΉΉΊΊΊΊΊΊΉΉΉΉΉΉΊΊΊΉΉΊΉΊΊΊΊΊΉΊ:Finalize () {0x7fe3ca8fdbf8} + 0x23 (0x2cf5544e0 0x2cf554548) [0x187b08960 - Unity Child Domain]
#10 0x00000189afa7d1 in (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) {0x7fe38f2ddb20} + 0x81 (0x189afa750 0x189afa84b) [0x187b08960 - Unity Child Domain]
#11 0x00000187410eeb in mono_jit_runtime_invoke
#12 0x000001875aed5f in do_runtime_invoke
#13 0x000001876022b8 in mono_gc_run_finalize
#14 0x0000018763508d in GC_invoke_finalizers
#15 0x00000187603a3c in finalizer_thread
#16 0x000001875cc40d in start_wrapper_internal
#17 0x000001875cc2bb in start_wrapper
#18 0x0000018763caf4 in GC_inner_start_routine
#19 0x0000018763ca89 in GC_start_routine
#20 0x007fff5a07c2eb in _pthread_body
#21 0x007fff5a07f249 in _pthread_start
#22 0x007fff5a07b40d in thread_start
Launching bug reporter

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



Fixed in UMotion V1.23 (available in a few days via the asset store). Thanks again for reporting this issue.

Best regards,


Thanks to Peter's responsiveness, this is already fixed in the next release 😎

Satisfaction mark by mel 4 years ago

Seems like it's looking for the FBX plugin path in the wrong location. Can't you use the Autodesk.FBX Package from UPM?

Under review

Hi Mel,

thank you very much for your bug report. I really appreciate that.

As I don't own a Mac myself, it'll take me a few days to get access to one and reproduce your issue. I'm sorry. Here are a few things you can try in the meantime:

  1. Create a new empty Unity project in Unity 2020.2. Import UMotion and do not move any of it's folders. Does it work there?
  2. Does this problem also happen in Unity 2020.1?
  3. Are you using one of the new macs with apple silicon (M1 chip)?
Can't you use the Autodesk.FBX Package from UPM?

UMotion is using the FBX plugin from Unity's UPM on Mac OS (it is just packed into the UMotion installation for simplicity purposes). On Windows, it is using a custom compiled plugin with slightly more features (compiling the FBX plugin on Mac OS did not work for me as it required an XCode version that isn't supported on today's versions of Mac OS, so I had to use the UPM version).

Best regards,

Thanks Peter:

1. Tried with a different character and UMotion project on a clean project, same error, I moved the folder in neither projects.

2. Yes I have tested several versions: 2020.0 2020.1.0f1 and this morning I've tried the 2020.2.1f1

3. Not in that case

Oh that's good to know! why are you bundling it then? 

Thanks for the information. I should get access to a Mac tomorrow, so please stay tuned.

Oh that's good to know! why are you bundling it then?

For simplicity reasons. Avoids situations where users don't have the package installed or a different version etc. Furthermore, I only need a small fraction of the package, no need to install the rest.

Best regards,

Hi Mel,

I got a used Mac Book today, but unfortunately the seller erased the whole hard drive and I'm not able to reinstall Mac OS yet (guess what, you need another mac just to burn a USB stick for a recovery image as the internet recovery tries to download an outdated Mac OS version which always throws a "server configuration error"...).

Long story short, this might take another several days until I get this mac running. I'm sorry about that... In the meantime (as a workaround), please export to anim and then use the FBX Exporter package from Unity or (if you have the possibility, use a Windows PC).

Best regards,

Oh bummer!
I'm going to try using the FBX Exporter package, I've never used it (I did a few things using the SDK directly so I'm familiar with the FBX components and layout), I'll let you know.
Thanks for looking into it!

Working on fix

Hi Mel,

thanks for your patience. I finally got the mac book up and running and am able to reproduce the issue. I'll keep you updated about the progress.

Best regards,


Fixed in UMotion V1.23 (available in a few days via the asset store). Thanks again for reporting this issue.

Best regards,

Thanks a lot Peter, can't wait for it as it comes right on time for what I was doing, I've just checked it's not yet up, do you know if it will be available this week? 

The update was sent to the asset store vetting team yesterday. It usually takes them one or two days to do the review, so yes it might be available this week (but I can't give you any guarantees as it's totally up to the asset store vetting team).

Best regards,

Asking it here as it's does not require a new thread IMO, what do you mean by:

Please delete the "Editor Default Resources/UMotionEditor"

? I only have a UMotionEditor folder at Assets/UMotionEditor and at project level UMotionData 


Please delete the "UMotionEditor" folder. The "Editor Default Resources" folder was used in older versions of UMotion. I've updated the release notes accordingly as the older versions should not be commonly used anymore. Thanks for pointing that out.

Best regards,