
Animation jitter in playback

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago 1

Hi, I came across an issue that I'm a bit confused about. 

I tried to do a simple walk cycle to test out UMotion and noticed that on playback the model started to jitter during the animation that differs from the bone animation. 

What I tried:

• I initially thought that this was due to the IK/FK Blend or IK pinning  so I tried to match the IK/ FK in the keyframes but that didn't help.

• Next I tried to turn off the IK pinning but that also didn't help. 

• Looked around the settings to find something that might answer for the shaky model 

I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong since the preview with the bones themselves are working just fine, just the model is twitching while the animation plays back. Is there something I missed?

I have enclosed a video, hopefully that helps the context: 

Youtube video
UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for your support request.

Please try to update to the latest UMotion version from the asset store and see if that helps (1.22p14 is the most recent one).

This could be due to floating point imprecision (this can happen if your character is far away from the scene's center or if it's scale is very big or very small). To verify, click on "Clear" in the UMotion pose editor to unlock the character. Then set it's position to 0, 0, 0. Verify that it isn't scaled up/down in an extreme way (I recommend using 1 unit = 1 meter). Then assign the character to the pose editor again and see if that helped.

If that does not help, may I ask you to send me a Unity package that includes just everything I need to reproduce your situation (i.e. your character without textures, the related UMotion project file)? You can send the files to me via the email support form (or request a link to my Dropbox via said form).

Best regards,


thank you very much for your support request.

Please try to update to the latest UMotion version from the asset store and see if that helps (1.22p14 is the most recent one).

This could be due to floating point imprecision (this can happen if your character is far away from the scene's center or if it's scale is very big or very small). To verify, click on "Clear" in the UMotion pose editor to unlock the character. Then set it's position to 0, 0, 0. Verify that it isn't scaled up/down in an extreme way (I recommend using 1 unit = 1 meter). Then assign the character to the pose editor again and see if that helped.

If that does not help, may I ask you to send me a Unity package that includes just everything I need to reproduce your situation (i.e. your character without textures, the related UMotion project file)? You can send the files to me via the email support form (or request a link to my Dropbox via said form).

Best regards,