
Project Wide Layers

mel 4 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago 2

Kind of relate to

I think it would be useful/logical to have a project-wide offset. Either by adding project-wide layers (duration might be an issue for that.. not sure), or a project-wide pose offset (constant no animation)

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for sharing your idea.

There is already a way you can do this (though a bit tedious) by adding all the different animation clips into override layers of a single animation clip. Then on top of all of them you add the additive animation layer. Using the UMotion API, you can write a script that exports the same animation clip multiple times but mute/unmute the override layers as needed.

Currently I don't think that a project wide additive layer would be wide-spread used by other users as in most cases you would need different offsets for different animations. It's the UMotion's API goal is to cover such specific use-cases, so currently I do not plan on adding such a feature to UMotion natively, I'm sorry.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


That sounds like a perfect hack, I'm already abusing the layers to do similar stuff!
Glad to discover about the API!! I'll check it.

Satisfaction mark by mel 4 years ago

i was thinking of that too, that would be a good idea, we could "store" keyframes from the original animation in another layer

and it'll stay there when we open up another animation 

Problem currently is 2 things. One, you need to open up another project for each rig so you need to export the animation and open it up in the other project before you can access the keyframes you pasted

Two, all layers get combined to the main layer on export, so you lose the layers. 

The only way i can move animations to different rigs is by using the inbuild unity animation dope sheet and copying animations to the other rig that way. This is also extremely tedious.


thank you very much for sharing your idea.

There is already a way you can do this (though a bit tedious) by adding all the different animation clips into override layers of a single animation clip. Then on top of all of them you add the additive animation layer. Using the UMotion API, you can write a script that exports the same animation clip multiple times but mute/unmute the override layers as needed.

Currently I don't think that a project wide additive layer would be wide-spread used by other users as in most cases you would need different offsets for different animations. It's the UMotion's API goal is to cover such specific use-cases, so currently I do not plan on adding such a feature to UMotion natively, I'm sorry.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,