
💊 - Some kind of API

mel 4 years ago • updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago • 1

I really enjoy UMotion a lot. After playing with it non-stop for 2 days I realize how many hours of work it will save me in the long run, but I do have some feedback that I think would make it even better. I've already submitted 3 other ideas, but I think having this one could resolve all of them: Add an API.

I understand that you don't want your code stolen and went the obfuscated road, but I think having a way for more advanced users to extend it would be great, from the top of my head (I'll add more to it as I think about it) that's what I think the API could provide:

- Access to:

    - The properties and their keys, The clip and their layers, 

    - The Umotion project infos and methods (save, save as...)

    - The Config Modes constraints (there is currently no way to set the min/max values in batch which is very long to do manually)

- Ability to extend the Clip Editor's menu (to run scripts affecting the parts above)


UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for your idea. I really appreciate that.

UMotion already has an API. The API does not feature all the things you mentioned yet, but a few parts are possible right now. Please check out the manual's chapter "UMotion API" for further information.

Let me know if you have any questions related to the API.

Best regards,


thank you very much for your idea. I really appreciate that.

UMotion already has an API. The API does not feature all the things you mentioned yet, but a few parts are possible right now. Please check out the manual's chapter "UMotion API" for further information.

Let me know if you have any questions related to the API.

Best regards,