
New features

Craig 4 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago 1

Quite a while ago, you asked for suggestion for new features and Quality of Life improvements.  How are these  coming along?

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



Hi Craig,

thanks for reaching out.

I was very busy with support and patch releases in the last couple of months (the current version of UMotion had 14 patch releases). The next release is planned to include a bunch of QoL improvements that have been suggested by different users (I had to do some prioritizing as I thankfully get so many good suggestions that I can't include all of them).

I can't give any estimate when this new version is going to ship, as it depends on how much time I have for UMotion beside another game project my studio is currently working on, but I'm on it.

Please let me know if there is anything else you want to know.

Best regards,


Hi Craig,

thanks for reaching out.

I was very busy with support and patch releases in the last couple of months (the current version of UMotion had 14 patch releases). The next release is planned to include a bunch of QoL improvements that have been suggested by different users (I had to do some prioritizing as I thankfully get so many good suggestions that I can't include all of them).

I can't give any estimate when this new version is going to ship, as it depends on how much time I have for UMotion beside another game project my studio is currently working on, but I'm on it.

Please let me know if there is anything else you want to know.

Best regards,