
Animation speed resample curve

Vact0r 4 years ago updated 2 years ago 7

I always want resample total animation play speed by a animation curve , make origin animation clip change the rhythm to what I want .

Although this can be achieved by changing the animator playback speed , but I think changing the animation file is a more accurate, quick and easy solution .

Is any way UMotion can do this ? or some tips ? 

Thanks so much .

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for your support request.

Yes you can change the animation speed of an animation clip in UMotion. Please check out the following answer I gave to a similar question, explaining how this can be achieved in UMotion:

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,



thank you very much for your support request.

Yes you can change the animation speed of an animation clip in UMotion. Please check out the following answer I gave to a similar question, explaining how this can be achieved in UMotion:

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,



Not like this change speed global, this only change select part total speed , I want to get more flexible control through the curve, such as the original uniform motion animation becomes faster and slower, or the animation changes from slow to fast to slow compared to the original speed.

I'm not sure if I'm describing it clearly . For example , a ball based animation is move forward in 1s with 1m/s , this is a constant speed animation , then I resample this animation by a curve like this . This curve X means new animation normalized time, Y means old animation normalized time . It will get a speed from fast to slow animation .

Ok I get your point. Unfortunately such a feature is not implemented in UMotion.

Best regards,


Any chance of having this feature in the future? 

thanks for reaching out.

At the moment, there are other features with higher priority on my list. So unfortunately I do not have this feature planned for the upcoming updates. I hope you can understand.

Let me know in case there is anything else you want to know.

Best regards,

I was also looking to manipulate the speed of my animations using a curve. Disappointed that you cannot but I understand why

Yes, I think this would be a great addition ... I also need this on almost every animation I work on.