
Retarget DOF supported by umotion?

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago 3

My animations all have DOF retargeting enabled, the animations don't work correctly otherwise. 

When importing the animation to UMOTION all of my DOF retargeting is gone and my animation does not animate properly becausse all of the animation properties i previously had are gone

Is there a workaround, or does UMOTION support DOF retargeting and I can turn it on there?

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for your support request.

UMotion's humanoid implementation unfortunately does not support humanoid DOF retargeting. As a workaround, you could change your original animation to generic and edit the original animation directly. After you've finished editing, export the animation into the fbx and then configure the fbx animation to humanoid again.

If you purchased UMotion for the primarily purpose of editing humanoid animations that use DOF retargeting, I can offer you a refund (please contact me with your invoice ID via email support in that case).

Please let me know in case there is anything else I can do for you.

Best regards,


thank you very much for your support request.

UMotion's humanoid implementation unfortunately does not support humanoid DOF retargeting. As a workaround, you could change your original animation to generic and edit the original animation directly. After you've finished editing, export the animation into the fbx and then configure the fbx animation to humanoid again.

If you purchased UMotion for the primarily purpose of editing humanoid animations that use DOF retargeting, I can offer you a refund (please contact me with your invoice ID via email support in that case).

Please let me know in case there is anything else I can do for you.

Best regards,

how would I go about editing directly? You mean export to blender or 3dmax and make changes there? 

I suppose i can do that but it would defeat the purpose of using Umotion, unless there is a way to edit these animations in umotion in Generic

how would I go about editing directly? You mean export to blender or 3dmax and make changes there?

No you can do this in UMotion. Do you have the mesh that those animations have been created for? If so, simply configure the corresponding mesh and the animation to generic. (Attention: This really needs to be the mesh the animation was created for i.e. having precisely the same rig. Unlike humanoid, generic does not perform animation re-targeting!) Then create a new UMotion project of type generic, drag & drop the character into the Pose Editor, import the generic animation and you're ready to go.

If you don't have the corresponding mesh for the animations, you can just drag&drop the animations *.fbx into the scene (configured as generic) and assign it to the UMotion Pose Editor (in a generic project). That way you can at edit the bones (without a mesh).

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,
