
Issues importing my animations

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by frostymm 4 years ago 4

I have also had UMotion for a while now and am just now transferring everything over from Akeytsu but I'm having issues importing my animations.

First I imported my animations and they loaded in, but with the wrong scale factor applied. So of course I deleted those, fixed the scale factor on the fbx and attempted to import them again. But now despite there being no clips in my UMotion project, it's adding back all the animation clip import attempts I've done cumulatively and renaming them during the import clips process.

Import "Idle" clip
Notice Import clips window shows "Idle" under animation clips:
Delete "Idle" clip
Optional: (Save project, restart umotion, restart unity, etc)
Import "Idle" clip
Notice Import clips window shows "Idle, Idle_1" under animation clips: (should just be 1 "Idle")

I'm currently at the point where I've got 22 instances that show up in that import window upon adding one file.

I'm on version 1.22p10 pro edition in unity 2019.4.12f1

Also, the "About UMotion" window automatically closes when I navigated away from unity to type out the version. Is that intentional?

I used UMotion very briefly for a while when I first got it but then realized Akeytsu didn't allow for importing animations. Having dealt with that for a bit now though, I can definitely appreciate some of the features UMotion has to offer!

UMotion Version:
1.22p10 Pro
Unity Version:
Unity 2019.4.12f1



thank you very much for your support request.

Import "Idle" clip
Notice Import clips window shows "Idle" under animation clips:
Delete "Idle" clip
Optional: (Save project, restart umotion, restart unity, etc)
Import "Idle" clip
Notice Import clips window shows "Idle, Idle_1" under animation clips: (should just be 1 "Idle")

I tried to reproduce this starting with a fresh UMotion project following your steps one by one. In my case, it only shows one animation clip named "Idle" at the end. May I ask you to update your UMotion Pro version to the latest one available on the asset store (1.22p11) and then check again if this happens on a fresh UMotion project? If so, may I ask you to record a video so that I can follow your steps more closely (maybe I performed one of the steps slightly different than you did)?

Also, the "About UMotion" window automatically closes when I navigated away from unity to type out the version. Is that intentional?

The intention was to close this window automatically when clicking anywhere outside of the dialog. I notice now that this might be annoying in the case you mentioned and took a note to change this in a future update.

Best regards,


thank you very much for your support request.

Import "Idle" clip
Notice Import clips window shows "Idle" under animation clips:
Delete "Idle" clip
Optional: (Save project, restart umotion, restart unity, etc)
Import "Idle" clip
Notice Import clips window shows "Idle, Idle_1" under animation clips: (should just be 1 "Idle")

I tried to reproduce this starting with a fresh UMotion project following your steps one by one. In my case, it only shows one animation clip named "Idle" at the end. May I ask you to update your UMotion Pro version to the latest one available on the asset store (1.22p11) and then check again if this happens on a fresh UMotion project? If so, may I ask you to record a video so that I can follow your steps more closely (maybe I performed one of the steps slightly different than you did)?

Also, the "About UMotion" window automatically closes when I navigated away from unity to type out the version. Is that intentional?

The intention was to close this window automatically when clicking anywhere outside of the dialog. I notice now that this might be annoying in the case you mentioned and took a note to change this in a future update.

Best regards,


Thanks for responding as quickly as you did! I actually think I've found the problem. I'm trying to import a few animations out of an FBX file. As it turns out, if you attempt to import an animation that's contained within an FBX, UMotion will import the entire set of animations contained within that FBX file. So of course when I dragged multiple animations at once out of the FBX, UMotion saw it as an opportunity to import all the animations multiplied by however many animations I had selected.

1. Import Clips

2. Open FBX that contains many animations

3. Select 2 animations from that FBX

4. Drag into clip import window

5. Notice all animations from FBX being imported twice over (x2)

I've just been dragging the FBX file itself and deselecting all the animations I don't want. It's a hassle but hopefully I won't need to import any more after I've got these set up properly.


I see what you mean. This behavior is indeed not ideal. I took a note to improve this in an upcoming version. Thanks for reporting.

Don't hesitate to contact me in case you find anything else.

Best regards,

Will do! Thanks again!