Change Humanoid FP Arms in runtime...Help?
I am checking to make sure that I am using the proper tool to accomplish my desired result...
I am using UMOTION Pro and have create Humanoid FP Arms from A Humanoid Character using the FPS Mesh Tool Asset...
I am also using the Ultimate Character Controller and the DEMO animator that comes with that asset...
I don't like the way the arms end up looking in runtime and want to adjust the look...
I have to go into run time as the arms don't show until i pick up a sword...
once i do that the arms (left and right) do appear but i want to change the way they bend and such..(also the right hand is holding the melee sword)
is UMOTION Pro the right tool?
I have studied the first video In Practice as it shows FPS and a gun...is this the right direction to go?
The big difference is the arms you use are generic and my arms are humanoid and not sure if that throws a wrench in to the woks?
Can you help me please?

Hi renel,
thank you very much for your support request.
Yes with UMotion you can animate humanoid animations (also generic/legacy animations). You can use UMotion also when pausing the game (this might be interesting in your situation, if you want to first pick up a sword in your game). With UMotion Community (free) you can create new animations and with UMotion Pro you can create new ones or edit existing ones.
As a starting point, check out the quick start video tutorial first:
This video might also go into your direction:
The FPS video tutorial is also a good starting point, yes.
I have to go into run time as the arms don't show until i pick up a sword...
You can check the "Hierarchy" window to see what model has been created for the arms. You can copy it and then paste it outside of play mode (then you can also animate it when not playing the game).
My tip: Use UMotion Community to check if you are able to create a new very basic animation for your hands. If that works, you can use UMotion Pro to edit your existing animations.
In case you have any questions/issues, don't hesitate to ask.
Best regards,

Thank you for your quick response.
I will keep trying to work on the animation and the suggestion you gave to copy the game object outside of play mode. I had not thought that was an option.

I have been away from my unity game and have got back to it
I wish to ask if I could get you to comment on how to reinsert the FP arms that you spoke about with respect to copying them when in runtime as UCC creates the weapon and displays the arms at runtime only.
so what I am asking is...
I ran the game and it did a sword load out into my right arm...
I then copied that game object...
The gameobject is a parent with a transform and first person object pivot script components...
the parent gameobject has a child called FPSmesh Peasant FP arms with a transform, animator, child animator monitor, and a first person base object components ...
what I am asking is I I can use umotion and use the pose editor and the clip editor but when I export the final project where do I put the results of the arm adjustments I need to make if the UCC creates the arms at runtime?
sorry if I seem like a dunce but just need some guidance forward as this has been bugging me some...
please can you offer some advice here?

what I am asking is I I can use umotion and use the pose editor and the clip editor but when I export the final project where do I put the results of the arm adjustments I need to make if the UCC creates the arms at runtime?
The animation file created/exported with UMotion is always relative to the transform that you had applied to the pose editor. That means if you dragged & dropped e.g. the root GameObject of your fp arms to the pose editor, then you have to apply the exported animation file to the Anmiator component that is at the root GameObject of your fp arms.
Best regards,
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi renel,
thank you very much for your support request.
Yes with UMotion you can animate humanoid animations (also generic/legacy animations). You can use UMotion also when pausing the game (this might be interesting in your situation, if you want to first pick up a sword in your game). With UMotion Community (free) you can create new animations and with UMotion Pro you can create new ones or edit existing ones.
As a starting point, check out the quick start video tutorial first:
This video might also go into your direction:
The FPS video tutorial is also a good starting point, yes.
You can check the "Hierarchy" window to see what model has been created for the arms. You can copy it and then paste it outside of play mode (then you can also animate it when not playing the game).
My tip: Use UMotion Community to check if you are able to create a new very basic animation for your hands. If that works, you can use UMotion Pro to edit your existing animations.
In case you have any questions/issues, don't hesitate to ask.
Best regards,