
Long animations list

Anonymous 4 years ago updated 3 years ago 5

Hi, there is a problem\idea. I have long animations list in UMotion clip editor and there is only one possible solution to scoll them, by click on little arrows.

1. The better way as i think is to use mouse wheel scroll.

2. When I open this dropdown list, by default it on the top of the list, the better way as i think is to open list on current clip.

Image 351

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:




thank you very much for your support request.

This drop-down list is implemented by Unity (--> closed source) thus it's unfortunately not possible to change the behavior of the drop-down list itself (it would only be possible to replace it with a custom window which I consider for a future update).

One workaround that could help to improve your specific situation: Duplicate your UMotion project several times and then only keep the animation clips related to only one weapon per UMotion project.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,



thank you very much for your support request.

This drop-down list is implemented by Unity (--> closed source) thus it's unfortunately not possible to change the behavior of the drop-down list itself (it would only be possible to replace it with a custom window which I consider for a future update).

One workaround that could help to improve your specific situation: Duplicate your UMotion project several times and then only keep the animation clips related to only one weapon per UMotion project.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

This will be nice. We have 5000 anim files. We will save the project every 100 animations. But it still causes problems. The search box is a great solution for this. Hoping to be in the next update. 

With a bigger project I had the exact same problem and exact same thoughts, sorry I posted basically a duplicate Idea before finding this post. But I agree totally with this. I understand that Drop Downs are pre defined by Unity but I also think it would be worth it to create a custom window for the animation clips if it is feasible. 

same issue here. it's really hard to manage it that way. In my case I have transition animations from every state to every state, which makes multiple UMotion projects not feasible.