
Could you please make a tutorial on how UMotion can be used with other assets such as Final IK or PuppetMaster

Anonymous 5 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 4 years ago 1

Could you please make a tutorial on how UMotion can be used with other assets such as Final IK or PuppetMaster.

The manual does not describe this process sufficiently.

Are there any kind of resources about it?

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for your support request.

PuppetMaster is a run-time functionality for blending between animations and physics (ragdoll). You can create the animations with UMotion just like you would create any other animation. There isn't anything specific to show when creating the animation with the goal to use it combined with PuppetMaster.

What exactly are you planning to do with FinalIK? In UMotion, you could again create the regular animation and then in your game use Final IK on top of it (that would again just be plane animating in UMotion). Or you can use the FinalIK components inside UMotion (to replace UMotion's built in IK). That would require the use of the UMotion callback system (see manual at chapter "Pose Editor / Options" headline "Extending UMotion").

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


thank you very much for your support request.

PuppetMaster is a run-time functionality for blending between animations and physics (ragdoll). You can create the animations with UMotion just like you would create any other animation. There isn't anything specific to show when creating the animation with the goal to use it combined with PuppetMaster.

What exactly are you planning to do with FinalIK? In UMotion, you could again create the regular animation and then in your game use Final IK on top of it (that would again just be plane animating in UMotion). Or you can use the FinalIK components inside UMotion (to replace UMotion's built in IK). That would require the use of the UMotion callback system (see manual at chapter "Pose Editor / Options" headline "Extending UMotion").

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,