
(1) Our First Animation (FPS) - UMotion In Practice

JohnH 5 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 5 years ago 4

As I begin this tutorial I find that once I have pt the FpsGunPrefab into the Pose editor I cannot select the

bones with the mouse.  All of its subobjects are greyed out.  I can select through the hierarchy.

But in your video all subobjects are blue and select-able with the mouse.

Please let me know what I am missing.

Thank you.

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



Hi JohnH,

thank you very much for your support request.

That's strange. Could you try to create an empty Unity project where you only import UMotion from the asset store and the gun model? Then try and see if it is working there (i.e. to rule out that any other asset is consuming all the scene view mouse events).

If this doesn't help, could you show me a screenshot or a video of your situation? Thanks.

Best regards,


Hi JohnH,

thank you very much for your support request.

That's strange. Could you try to create an empty Unity project where you only import UMotion from the asset store and the gun model? Then try and see if it is working there (i.e. to rule out that any other asset is consuming all the scene view mouse events).

If this doesn't help, could you show me a screenshot or a video of your situation? Thanks.

Best regards,



First image, Pose Editor not loaded.
Second image, Pose Editor loaded.
Note that when loaded in Pose Editor all of the subobjects are now grayed out.
And can only be accessed through the hierarchy and not by simply clicking with mouse in the scene view.

I loaded the scene you provided.

I have discovered that I can select Joints/Pivot Points with the mouse.

I still cannot select Bones.

And the hierarchy is still grayed out, and it appears that it shouldn't.

When I select a Pivot, the bone and pivot are highlighted in the scene view but not in the hierarchy.uMotion_charFirstPerson_pivotBoneSelected_n....jpg

Hi John,

what UMotion version are you using (click on Help --> About UMotion in the Clip Editor)? Can it be that you are on an older UMotion version?

When updating:

Please remove the UMotion folder (in "Editor Default Resources"). UMotion should not be listed in Unity's "Windows" menu anymore. Then update to the latest UMotion version from the Asset Store. Check if the installed version is V1.21p01.

Please let me know if that solves your issue.

Best regards,