
Animation Converter different model issue in space

Silver 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Hi I was able to convert an animation using the Animation Converter from one model in legacy to the same model in humanoid no issues.

However when trying the humanoid animation on other humanoid models they all are about 20 meters high in space instead of being in on the floor so I don't know where it is getting this elevation from it certainly isn't in the original model and its converted form.

I need to be able to convert legacy animations to other humanoid models but somethings not right. For starters the parent game object moves in the original model but it's considered 000 in the other humanoid ones while moving the root bones in the air a lot.

UMotion Version:
Latest Animation Converter not Umotion.
Unity Version:




thank you very much for your support request.

The humanoid animation system can have problems when there is some scaling in one of the transforms that is a parent of the hips. Sometimes it also makes troubles if you added a parent transform that has not been there in the original model. Also check the humanoid avatar configuration of both humanoid characters. Please note that this could either be on the converted model, or on the other humanoid model that you try to use the animation for.

Does the animation display correctly in the Inspector preview window (with the Unity default avatar)? If that's the case, then the conversion is not the issue but the setup of the other humanoid character.

If you don't find a solution for this, you can send me a new empty Unity project that contains just everything I need to reproduce this situation (please add a short explanation to it). You can send that to me via the email support form (please request a link to my Dropbox there if file size is too big).

Best regards,



thank you very much for your support request.

The humanoid animation system can have problems when there is some scaling in one of the transforms that is a parent of the hips. Sometimes it also makes troubles if you added a parent transform that has not been there in the original model. Also check the humanoid avatar configuration of both humanoid characters. Please note that this could either be on the converted model, or on the other humanoid model that you try to use the animation for.

Does the animation display correctly in the Inspector preview window (with the Unity default avatar)? If that's the case, then the conversion is not the issue but the setup of the other humanoid character.

If you don't find a solution for this, you can send me a new empty Unity project that contains just everything I need to reproduce this situation (please add a short explanation to it). You can send that to me via the email support form (please request a link to my Dropbox there if file size is too big).

Best regards,

Hi there I have uploaded the files which I can and include a video to demonstrate. I did it using the email support form so it might popup as a different thread but it's still by me. If you have any question please let me know.