
How to export animation with IK bones

RadiumLHY 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 4



[Moderated] Google Translation:

Wie exportiere ich die konvertierte IK-Animation mit den von der Software erstellten IK-Bones?

Zum anderen kann die konvertierte Aktionsdatei nach dem Export von keiner anderen Software als Bone erkannt werden.

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



Hi RadiumLHY,

thank you very much for your support request. I've translated your question to English (please post in English in the future).

The IK features are only available within UMotion. Once you export your animation the affect of the IK constraints is baked into the animation. You can export your animation as *.anim (only compatible with Unity) or *.FBX (compatible with most 3D modeling applications). When exporting to *.FBX, I recommend exporting the animation into the *.FBX file of your character (set "Write Mode" to "Update Existing" in the export settings).

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

Satisfaction mark by RadiumLHY 5 years ago

Hi RadiumLHY,

thank you very much for your support request. I've translated your question to English (please post in English in the future).

The IK features are only available within UMotion. Once you export your animation the affect of the IK constraints is baked into the animation. You can export your animation as *.anim (only compatible with Unity) or *.FBX (compatible with most 3D modeling applications). When exporting to *.FBX, I recommend exporting the animation into the *.FBX file of your character (set "Write Mode" to "Update Existing" in the export settings).

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

Because I want to convert FK into IK through your software and then use it on other software, so I really need this function, can you help me?please

I thought a little bit about this. This should be indeed possible, here's how:

  • I guess your other software is a 3D modeling application, open the *.FBX of your character and create the IK target transforms (and the IK pole target transforms) there.
  • Back in UMotion, you can now manually setup the IK constraints using the new created transforms as IK handles. Please watch the IK video tutorial to learn how to setup IK manually (without using the IK Setup Wizard).
  • Convert your animation to IK.
  • Export the animation to *.FBX (set "Write Mode" to "Update Existing" so that the animation is written into your character's *.FBX file). The IK handles are going to keep there animation data, so when you open the FBX in your 3D modeling application, you can use the IK handles to drive the application's native IK constraint.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards,

Wow, it's perfect. I really appreciate your software. Thank you