A few questions regarding IK and editing multiple properties at once.
Hi, i picked up umotion pro from the recent bundle and i'm really liking it thus far, i do however have a few doubts and i'm wondering if you could help me out.
One thing i noticed is that if two keyframes have the same start and end value then i can't edit the curves at all. To get around this i must edit either value by a tiny bit. Picture
Is there a way to avoid this?
Another thing: Let's say i'm making a crouching animation and i need to lower the entire upper body as the animation progresses (so that the feet remain attached to the ground), this means i'll need to move the root node (usually the pelvis) down.
Without using IK i immediatly run into the issue of having the feet wobble a bit as it's hard to match their position and rotation manually.
However when using IK the targets will also move when lowering the root node, is there a way to prevent that from happening?
That way i can lower the character and set IK to FK, making the feet not move as the character crouches.
Copying the position does not work as it's relative to the root node.
I also got asked whether i want to keep, discard or abort modifications, yet when clicking on "keep modifications" nothing happens (same as clicking on abort), i'm thus forced to use "key modified" (which doesn't always work for some reason, usually when working with IK there's 1 or 2 properties that aren't keyed, although it's rare) or "key all" (which will create keys for all unchanged properties, which i'd rather avoid). I know i can auto-key but sometimes i prefer to disable it, am i doing something wrong or is it a bug?
Lastly, I've been trying to change the easing between two keyframes, but i'm having trouble when dealing with positions or multiple properties.
Let's say i'm making a jumping animation and i want the character to quickly leap into the air and then to slow down as it reaches the apex of the jump.
Currently i can lerp and slerp by selecting a tangent and clicking on linear (lerp) or flat (slerp), but to further fine tune the tangents (for example if i want an exponential interpolation) i need to change each one individually.
The issue i'm facing regards editing multiple properties or positions while keeping them "synced" with one another: while rotations can be controlled with a single curve, positions have 3 of them.
While this isn't a major issue for biological animations where imperfections are hidden by the bigger movements, it makes more precise, mechanical animations harder to do.
Is there a way to edit multiple tangents at the same time? I tried holding shift/ctrl/alt and looking at shortcuts but i couldn't see the option.
What i'm trying to do is to move all 3 curves at once: Picture
Thank you for your help, being able to animate straight into unity is awesome! :)
Hi Kepp,
thank you very much for your support request.
"One thing i noticed is that if two keyframes have the same start and end value then i can't edit the curves at all. To get around this i must edit either value by a tiny bit. Picture
Is there a way to avoid this?"
This is only the case when using rotation curves in "Progression Interpolation" mode. You can set your rotation curves to euler instead (but be warned that this can introduce gimbal lock). More information can be found in this video tutorial:
"However when using IK the targets will also move when lowering the root node, is there a way to prevent that from happening?"
Yes you need to use IK for that (not FK). In order to keep the IK targets pinned at their world space position, you need to tick the "IK Pinning" channel shown in the "Channels" section of the pose editor when having the IK target selected. IK pinning uses the child-of constraint under the hood, so please watch the following two video tutorials to learn all the details about this feature:
"I know i can auto-key but sometimes i prefer to disable it, am i doing something wrong or is it a bug?"
Using the "Key Selected" button only creates keys for bones that are selected. Bones whit modifications not yet keyed are displayed in red. When no bone is shown as red, you won't get the dialog that asks you if you want to discard your modifications. I'm currently not aware of a bug related to this feature, if you find a reproduce able bug don't hesitate to report it.
"Is there a way to edit multiple tangents at the same time? I tried holding shift/ctrl/alt and looking at shortcuts but i couldn't see the option.
What i'm trying to do is to move all 3 curves at once"
I'm sorry this is currently not possible. I've taken a note on my "ideas for the future list" so that I can consider this for future updates but I can't promise anything right now.
Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.
Best regards,
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Kepp,
thank you very much for your support request.
"One thing i noticed is that if two keyframes have the same start and end value then i can't edit the curves at all. To get around this i must edit either value by a tiny bit. Picture
Is there a way to avoid this?"
This is only the case when using rotation curves in "Progression Interpolation" mode. You can set your rotation curves to euler instead (but be warned that this can introduce gimbal lock). More information can be found in this video tutorial:
"However when using IK the targets will also move when lowering the root node, is there a way to prevent that from happening?"
Yes you need to use IK for that (not FK). In order to keep the IK targets pinned at their world space position, you need to tick the "IK Pinning" channel shown in the "Channels" section of the pose editor when having the IK target selected. IK pinning uses the child-of constraint under the hood, so please watch the following two video tutorials to learn all the details about this feature:
"I know i can auto-key but sometimes i prefer to disable it, am i doing something wrong or is it a bug?"
Using the "Key Selected" button only creates keys for bones that are selected. Bones whit modifications not yet keyed are displayed in red. When no bone is shown as red, you won't get the dialog that asks you if you want to discard your modifications. I'm currently not aware of a bug related to this feature, if you find a reproduce able bug don't hesitate to report it.
"Is there a way to edit multiple tangents at the same time? I tried holding shift/ctrl/alt and looking at shortcuts but i couldn't see the option.
What i'm trying to do is to move all 3 curves at once"
I'm sorry this is currently not possible. I've taken a note on my "ideas for the future list" so that I can consider this for future updates but I can't promise anything right now.
Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.
Best regards,