
Applying rotation to all keys of a bone?

Anonymous 6 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 6 years ago 3

Hi, I got Umotion Pro in order to modify animations to better fit the bone space of different characters. I'm wondering if it's possible to modify every keyframe of a bone with a relative rotation all at once.Similar to how mixamo animations often have the "character arm space" slider.

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:




thank you very much for your support request.

Sure, create a new animation layer of type additive. Keys in that layer are added on top of the original animation. Use multiple keys on different frames to add different offsets. Click on the black info button shown in the animation layer UI to open the manual for further information.

If your rotation is using euler interpolation, you could use the curves view to manipulate the rotation of multiple key at once.

Please let me know if you have any follow up questions.

Best regards,




thank you very much for your support request.

Sure, create a new animation layer of type additive. Keys in that layer are added on top of the original animation. Use multiple keys on different frames to add different offsets. Click on the black info button shown in the animation layer UI to open the manual for further information.

If your rotation is using euler interpolation, you could use the curves view to manipulate the rotation of multiple key at once.

Please let me know if you have any follow up questions.

Best regards,


Thanks for the response Peter, it was exactly what I was looking for. I'm also trying to reduce the magnitude of curves for some rotations. If I select all keys for a bone and go to the curves tab, the mouse cursor becomes an up/down scalar when hovering over the blue lines, but I'm unable to drag it. I can still adjust each key on the curve, but I'd like to be able to squash the whole curve down.

What type of rotation mode are you using? Changing the magnitude is only possible in euler rotation mode.

For further information on the different rotation modes, please check out the following video tutorial: UMotion - Curves & Rotation Modes

Best regards,
