Access Hand Muscle Sliders in Script for External Tool
I'm looking to add TouchOSC support to extend my animation pipeline. Part of that is controlling the finger muscle curl in UMotion since the UI and sliders are really small. Is there any way to access the sliders from the Muscle Groups Tool in script so I can extend functionality?

Hi Rave-TZ,
thank you very much for your support request.
At the moment the muscle curl feature is not exposed via the UMotion API. I've took a note to check if this can be added in one of the next updates but I can't promise anything right now.
Best regards,

Bummer. I have a lot of animation optimization ready to go using TouchOSC (for iPad / Android). This is much more manageable since I don't have to worry about precision using the existing UMotion finger muscle tool (Caused major arm pain when having to use that to adjust motion capture data.
I'm happy to share and expand on this if you get me a way to access your muscle tools. I won't be able to upgrade to Unity 2019 for my current project however.

Hi Rave-TZ,
that UI looks great. What other functionalities (beside the muscle curl) are you trying to access that are not exposed via the UMotion API?
Best regards,

Get me access to control the following and I'll get you a UI for all of them that works on external devices.
Some of these are accessible with unity hotkeys but it would be best to access them directly in case someone wants to customize their hotkeys.
Muscle Groups Tool:
Upper Body
Lower Body
Pose Editor:
Pivot Local / Global
Tool: Select Move Rotate Scale
Mirror Editing: Off, On
Set FK to IK
Set IK to FK
Copy to Other Side
Apply Reference Probe
Reset Modifications
FK/IK Blend (0-1)
IK Pinned
Key Selected (Translate, Rotate, Scale, All)
Auto Key: Off / Update / Generate
New Feature:
Select IK_Foot (Left, Right)
Select IK_Pole_Knee IK (Left, Right)
Select IK_Hand (Left, Right)
Select IK_Pole_Elbow (Left, Right)
Select _eye (L and R)
Rig Layer: FK, IK, Both
Bone Style: Wire, Stick, Solid
Bones: Off, On
Transforms: Off, On
Names: Off, On
Tool Assistant: Off, On
Would be nice:
Scroll left in Clip Editor
Scroll right
Zoom in Zoom out
Next Frame
Previous Frame
Next Key Frame
Previous Key Frame
Play Forward
Play Backward
Enable/Disable Loop
Skip to start
Playback speed
Delete current frame (selected)
Delete current frame (all)

Thanks for the detailed overview. This helps me a lot when planning the future improvements of the UMotion API.
Best regards,

I ended up developing my own Unity animation tools and hand animation tools. Our entire team move away from UMotion due to the inability to handle hands and not being able to work on more than one character at a time.
UMotion is still great but it really needs a few more things before it can be pro.
Happy to sit down with the team to cover the details.

^This post was from me, Rave-TZ. I didn’t have my login credentials from 5 years ago.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Rave-TZ,
thank you very much for your support request.
At the moment the muscle curl feature is not exposed via the UMotion API. I've took a note to check if this can be added in one of the next updates but I can't promise anything right now.
Best regards,