
Loop animations changes rotation or position over time

Anonymous 4 months ago updated by SamTotman 4 months ago 2

I have a walk animation that walks forward, the problem is when loop is enabled after a few seconds like 10 to 20 seconds it starts changing rotation or position over time. 

The first and last key frames match on either transforms.

Plays ok for those first seconds then starts moving up or rotating at either axis x, y or z. Seams random the course it takes.

How could i prevent that

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



Hi thanks for the quick reply, there is no layers for this animation yet, i've redone it all again, copied the first and pasted on the last again and now its working. 

Thanks anyway, you can delete this post if you'd like, it's not giving the option to do so myself. 

Under review

thank you very much for your support request. Seems like a small change is accumulating over time. You mentioned that the first and last frame is exactly the same. Is this true for all animation layers as well?

Best regards,


Hi thanks for the quick reply, there is no layers for this animation yet, i've redone it all again, copied the first and pasted on the last again and now its working. 

Thanks anyway, you can delete this post if you'd like, it's not giving the option to do so myself.