
Root motion in Root Transform Export FBX

Anonymous 10 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 10 months ago 4
I am trying to extract an animation with movement values ​​in the root transform into FBX along with the Model and Animation. If UMotion contains position and rotation values ​​in the top Transform of an Anim file, is it possible to extract it as FBX (model + anim) as a generic animation?
I would like to purchase it if possible.
UMotion Version:
Unity Version:




thank you very much for your support request. With UMotion you can only export animation data to FBX. UMotion by itself is not capable of exporting meshes. But UMotion is capable of exporting animation data into an existing FBX file (if the FBX file contains the mesh that is currently animated).

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up question.

Best regards,



thank you very much for your support request. With UMotion you can only export animation data to FBX. UMotion by itself is not capable of exporting meshes. But UMotion is capable of exporting animation data into an existing FBX file (if the FBX file contains the mesh that is currently animated).

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up question.

Best regards,

Yes, I saw on YouTube that anim files were loaded and saved in an existing FBX. The model + anim data is saved as FBX, but the problem is that when Unity's top transform has positional data, another third party has confirmed that the root transform is not exported. I would like to know if UMotion can be extracted to the existing fbx using anim+model when the top bone or element in the anim file has a transform.

I'm trying to use it in unreal, but in the case of the fbx exporter used in Unity, it seems that the top-level component is also exported. And the component is recognized as a bone in unreal. The problem is that in unreal, only the top bone is designated as the root bone and root motion is used. Can umotion also export the transform of the top component as is?

I just double checked: Unfortunately it's not possible to export animation curves for the root node when exporting to FBX.

Best regards,