
Force enable gameobject in heirarchy?

Xenos 1 year ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 1 year ago 3

Hey I'm trying to sync Umotion to the Animator or Timeline to be able to make a reload animation for my humanoid and a seperate animation clip for my gun (childed to the hand for animating, I have code that makes it follow the hand bone in runtime) but because the root is force disabled, Unity can't play animations on the gun because its parent is disabled.

Image 1370

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



Hi Xenos,
the Unity humanoid animation system does not allow to animate the bone named "root" in your case. That's why it is disabled. If you want to animate "root", you would need to switch from "humanoid" to "generic".

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Hi Xenos,
the Unity humanoid animation system does not allow to animate the bone named "root" in your case. That's why it is disabled. If you want to animate "root", you would need to switch from "humanoid" to "generic".

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

So I'm not actually trying to animate the root bone, but i do need it enabled in heirachy so that I can have the animator on the gun (childed to the hand for recording) function properly when syncing.

Unfortunately I'm afraid this is not possible. When you have a GameObject assigned to UMotion, UMotion gains exclusive access to the GameObject and any of it's children. It is not possible to let a second Animator component access any of the child transforms of the currently animated character.

Best regards,