
Umotion Animation and Timeline Animation Shift

Mümin Çentez 1 year ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 1 year ago 1

Hello there,

I started using umotion and it is a good asset. However I have trouble using this asset in my timeline. In timeline I have 2 humanoid characters and their animations are recorded by motion capture system.

I have imported and created the project for both animations and generate it in the timeline. However when I edit the motion in umotion and export the animation there will be a shift in the position of the characters.

I tryone of the characters arm to hold and follow the other character's arms. 

I managed to sync with timeline and edit the humanoid in umotion animation. While the project is open everything is perfect when I export to timeline the animation shifts on the sideways.

I nearly tried every option inside the editor however I do not manage to overcome this position shift. Do you have any idea?

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



Hi Mümin,
thank you very much for your support request.

Here is a list of settings that influence the position offset in Unity Timeline:

  1. Root motion settings that are shown in the inspector when you have the *.anim file selected. Using "Bake Into Pose" might help.
  2. There is a "Track Offset" property for each animation track in Unity Timeline
  3. There is a "Clip Offset" property for each animation clip in Unity Timeline

Having scaling applied on some of the child-transforms of your character can also cause some weird positional offsets. Make sure to only scale the root of the character.

Please let me know in case you need any further help.

Best regards,


Hi Mümin,
thank you very much for your support request.

Here is a list of settings that influence the position offset in Unity Timeline:

  1. Root motion settings that are shown in the inspector when you have the *.anim file selected. Using "Bake Into Pose" might help.
  2. There is a "Track Offset" property for each animation track in Unity Timeline
  3. There is a "Clip Offset" property for each animation clip in Unity Timeline

Having scaling applied on some of the child-transforms of your character can also cause some weird positional offsets. Make sure to only scale the root of the character.

Please let me know in case you need any further help.

Best regards,