
Should I create IK/FK in Blender for my rig, or should I set it up inside UMotion? (Noob here)

bartolomey_wong 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 4


So I've just bought your package, and I have been learning rigging in Blender. I want to save time, so asking if I should look into setting up FK/IK in Blender for my rig and then import it into your package, or should I create just a general rig and then I will be able to add IK/FK in UMotion?

Thank you!

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:




thank you very much for your support request and for purchasing Umotion.

I would recommend generating a general rig in Blender and then animating it in UMotion. The FK/IK setup is created automatically by UMotion. The FK/IK functionality of Blender does not export to Unity so if you do not plan to animate in Blender, you can save yourself that work.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Hey Peter, thank you so much for such a quick and on-point answer!

I plan to save time and master your beautiful software to create all the animations inside Unity.

So there's my other question, is your package suitable for all the animations, not only the character ones? I mean, say, I want to animate some background models, like automatons on the factory, can I do that? Or I want to animate some alien spider-like creature, or even an amorphous blob, is it possible? Or maybe a tree with branches swaying?

Thank you again in advance!

Satisfaction mark by bartolomey_wong 1 year ago


thank you very much for your support request and for purchasing Umotion.

I would recommend generating a general rig in Blender and then animating it in UMotion. The FK/IK setup is created automatically by UMotion. The FK/IK functionality of Blender does not export to Unity so if you do not plan to animate in Blender, you can save yourself that work.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

Hey Peter,

In case you somehow missed my questions that I posted above, here them are:

So there's my other question, is your package suitable for all the animations, not only the character ones? I mean, say, I want to animate some background models, like automatons on the factory, can I do that? Or I want to animate some alien spider-like creature, or even an amorphous blob, is it possible? Or maybe a tree with branches swaying?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, with Umotion you can also animate non human like 3D models like those you mentioned.

Best regards,

Happy to hear that. Thank you for such a quick reply! You're awesome :) Can't wait to dive deep into learning and using your beautiful package!

Take care!