
Solutions for Applying Short Looping Animations to Long Clips in uMotion

Enkianssus 11 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 11 months ago 1

Umotion doesn't seem to have the functionality to easily add a short, looping animation on top of a longer main animation clip. For example, if my main animation is a long sequence, and I want to overlay a shorter cyclic motion, I can add an addictive layer in umotion and insert my looping clip. But to make it fit the length of the main animation, I need to manually copy and paste it over and over. This makes it very tedious to modify the looping animation later on. Is there a better way to achieve this overlay of a short loop onto a long main clip in umotion?

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



Hi Enkianssus,
thanks for reaching out.

Unfortunately, such a feature is currently not implemented in UMotion. But I've took notes of your idea in order to consider it for future updates.

Best regards,


Hi Enkianssus,
thanks for reaching out.

Unfortunately, such a feature is currently not implemented in UMotion. But I've took notes of your idea in order to consider it for future updates.

Best regards,