
animation child of

olikan 11 months ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 11 months ago 5

Hey everyone! I have an issue where I have a humanoid rig character and a generic rig weapon. I'd like to create an animation of my character changing the magazine in that weapon. Currently, my generic rig weapon is placed under the humanoid rig's right hand game object. I made a test animation in uMotion where the character properly takes out the magazine from the weapon, using "child of" for the magazine. However, when I start the game, only the humanoid animation plays and the generic part, i.e., the magazine change, doesn't play. I've been struggling with this for 2 weeks and would like to ask for help. I tried another solution where I made a humanoid animation for the character and a generic one for the weapon. This way both work, but I can't synchronize them. For example, if I load the humanoid animation part in uMotion, I don't see the generic weapon animation, i.e., the magazine movement, because everything has a "locked" label in uMotion. I would like the first solution to work somehow, meaning the magazine removal would play in play mode and not just in the editor. Can someone help in any way to finally make it work? I'm also attaching a video for reference. Thanks in advance for the help. Regards: Zoli.

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for your support request.

The way you've animated the magazine as shown in the video is the correct approach. Let's further look into why the magazine isn't animated in-game:

  1. Double check that you've exported your latest animation clip version from UMotion and that you've assigned the correct *.anim file to the character.
  2. Are you using any override layers in your player's animator controller that are overriding the magazine? Or maybe some transitions? To rule both out, try to create a new empty animator controller and assign only this single animation to it just for testing.
  3. Maybe some scripts are overriding the magazine position?
  4. Does the animation exported from UMotion preview correctly using Unity's Animation Window?

Please let me know how that goes.

Best regards,


thank you very much for your support request.

The way you've animated the magazine as shown in the video is the correct approach. Let's further look into why the magazine isn't animated in-game:

  1. Double check that you've exported your latest animation clip version from UMotion and that you've assigned the correct *.anim file to the character.
  2. Are you using any override layers in your player's animator controller that are overriding the magazine? Or maybe some transitions? To rule both out, try to create a new empty animator controller and assign only this single animation to it just for testing.
  3. Maybe some scripts are overriding the magazine position?
  4. Does the animation exported from UMotion preview correctly using Unity's Animation Window?

Please let me know how that goes.

Best regards,


Yes i use animation override controller, show u in this video:



According to the video you've sent, it looks like the animation exported by UMotion is functioning correctly (otherwise it wouldn't be played correctly in the preview window). The issue seems to be related to your a animator controller setup (point (2) in my previous response). Check your avatar masks (in conjunction with the override layers) and your animation transitions.

Best regards,

"Hi! I've found a solution where I create a humanoid animation for the character and a separate generic animation for the weapon. However, how can I synchronize them? With my current solution, both animations play, but the hand and the magazine movement are not in sync. From what I've seen, I can't open both animations at once to see where each one is in order to synchronize them. Do you have any ideas for this? Thanks Zoli

I've found a solution where I create a humanoid animation for the character and a separate generic animation for the weapon.

I would advise against this solution as it makes everything way more complicated. I recommend that you try to find and fix the issue of your previous setup instead (i.e. check/fix your animator setup).

Best regards,