
Animating multiple objects - workflow for weapon reload or animations, on FPS Arms

TheCodingGuppy 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 3

Hey all,

I am thinking about animating multiple objects, specifically the issue I am trying to tackle is doing weapon reload animations. I’ve realized that what UMotion animates needs to be on the GameObject select in the pose editor, and whatever is animated must be in that hierarchy. The object in question is my FPS Arms model, and guns are usually attached to it (ie. hand, or holder object). So I am left with a 3-4 options I believe, for workflow:

1. Keep all the guns on on the one object, like a big model game object. That way I can enable and disable what weapon is active and the animations will be easy because it’s all within the hierarchy of one GameObject.

2. Make separate copies of the FPS Arms, and permanently tie a specific weapon to that set of arms. This would be much less modular, and it would mean maintaining a separate set of arms in my project. That could cause complications in the future.

3. I suppose instead of having individual FPS Arms models, I could have distinct prefabs, each with the same FPS Arms models, and each with their respective weapon.

4. And finally, perhaps I can take advantage of this Sync feature I keep hearing about. This would mean having a separate animator and clips for the guns, and syncing them on the Unity timeline while using Umotion editor.

***. So far what I am doing is having FPS Arms rig/prefab, and attaching the guns when appropriate. This allows me to animate the gun as a child of FPS Arms and automatically in response to the location and rotation of the arm or holder. This is OK except for the fact that I have an issue with gun specific animations as mentioned above.

Also, one of my concerns is having to make a rig for each set of arms. It is time consuming to set up the IK and child-of constraints and such. *** So far, it has been easy. I simply duplicate the UMotion project, and use each for a different weapon animation set. I duplicated the original pistol Umotion project, then just deleted the clips and set it up easily for my Rifle animation set. All the constraints were re-usable. I’m concerned about that being an issue if I were to change my workflow.

I feel like these are important considerations and I wanted to ask for advice and how others have handled such issues. I’d like to consider my options and decide on which workflow “path” to take as it will be difficult to change once I am in one specific workflow. I may need to do all the animations and rig setup over again, for each weapon or animation set. Also I think it may be a good way for me to learn about the Sync feature which in general would be important for my continued use of this software and Unity’s animation features.

Thank you in advance.

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:


I do still want the issue of having to set up the rig and constraints again. If i were to have separate models for each weapon, that would mean having to re-do the whole rig again, and that is what i am concerned about.

You mean the rig/constraint setup in UMotion? If the arms are exactly the same and only the gun is different, you won't have to re-do it again. Simply duplicate your existing UMotion Project, drag & drop the new prefab instance into the pose editor and then go into config mode and click on "cleanup" to remove any references to the old gun.

Would using the Sync feature make the animations harder to do? I mean, back and forth between the Umotion editor and the Unity clip editor, to sync the reload animations?

Yes it would be much harder. Also makes it very easy to mess things up (if for example you accidentally shift the arms and the gun relative to each other).

Best regards,

Satisfaction mark by TheCodingGuppy 1 year ago

I just realized that i had posted a similar question without signing in:

I didn't realize I was not signed in!

I do still want the issue of having to set up the rig and constraints again. If i were to have separate models for each weapon, that would mean having to re-do the whole rig again, and that is what i am concerned about.

of course, if i had it all as one rig, and just enable and disable the weapons, that would be much easier.

Would using the Sync feature make the animations harder to do? I mean, back and forth between the Umotion editor and the Unity clip editor, to sync the reload animations?

Thanks again.

I do still want the issue of having to set up the rig and constraints again. If i were to have separate models for each weapon, that would mean having to re-do the whole rig again, and that is what i am concerned about.

You mean the rig/constraint setup in UMotion? If the arms are exactly the same and only the gun is different, you won't have to re-do it again. Simply duplicate your existing UMotion Project, drag & drop the new prefab instance into the pose editor and then go into config mode and click on "cleanup" to remove any references to the old gun.

Would using the Sync feature make the animations harder to do? I mean, back and forth between the Umotion editor and the Unity clip editor, to sync the reload animations?

Yes it would be much harder. Also makes it very easy to mess things up (if for example you accidentally shift the arms and the gun relative to each other).

Best regards,

Thank you again for your response Peter,

I think i will go with what is simple and doable for me now. I will simply work with a single model (one fps arms) with all of the weapons attached for now. That way I can fully animate everything appropriately. 

and then I will make separate Umotion projects, to handle the different weapons.
