
Feature Request : Custom Animation Stream Input Port

makaolachsiungca 1 year ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 1 year ago 4

I have my own animation editor works with animation stream which control muscle wrapping and IK motoin,
but it's really a hard work to develop a new animation recorder with editor GUI.

Could we have a socket to make UMotion editor reading custom animation data from target skeleton but do not lock it down.

Image 1324

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for your support request.

Humanoid data can't be fed directly into UMotion, but regular rotation and position data for bones/transforms can:

You would need to grab the actual rotation/position data of bones/transforms of your animated model and then you can use PoseEditor.TrySetFkLocalRotation().

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

I can output UnityEngine.HumanPose or Animator.Bodybone(position/rotation).


thank you very much for your support request.

Humanoid data can't be fed directly into UMotion, but regular rotation and position data for bones/transforms can:

You would need to grab the actual rotation/position data of bones/transforms of your animated model and then you can use PoseEditor.TrySetFkLocalRotation().

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Thank you for your response.
But I still wanna the skeleton do not been freeze or lock by UMotion Editor so I will be able to control skeleton before using PoseEditor.TrySetFkLocalRotation().

Otherwise, may I inquire whether it is possible to request a feature that access the animation clip editor GUI through the Motion API?

I really had a trouble to remake an animation clip editor in unity editor..

But I still wanna the skeleton do not been freeze or lock by UMotion Editor so I will be able to control skeleton before using PoseEditor.TrySetFkLocalRotation().

As an easy but dirty workaround you could have two instances for your character. One that is used by your tool to preview your direct changes and the other that is assigned to UMotion. It's a bit dirty, but at least it should work.

Otherwise, may I inquire whether it is possible to request a feature that access the animation clip editor GUI through the Motion API?

Having a character assigned to the pose editor is probably always going to be a requirement though. It would require a complete rewrite of UMotion to make the clip editor work completely independently without a character being assigned to the pose editor.

Best regards,