
FBX Export - Framerates

TheBleedingRed21 1 year ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 1 year ago 3


This has quickly became one of my favorite assets by far but I’m running into an issue. 

We are using high quality mocap data at a rate of 240FPS, though this will likely be 120FPS moving forward. 

Exporting this out as .anim files is considerably huge and with many animations, I see this becoming an issue. I went to export over my FBX to use the animation compression built in but getting an error FBX doesn’t support over 60FPS. All my FBX are already 240FPS so is there a way around this without changing the sample rate? 


UMotion Version:
Unity Version:




thank you very much for your support request and for your nice words.

I've just looked into the code of the UMotion FBX exporter, and it supports frame rates of up to 120 fps. Can you show me a screenshot of the exact error message you are getting?

One thing you need to be aware of is that the frame rate always has to be the same for all animation clips within the same FBX file. Maybe that's what the error message was trying to say.

Is there any specific reason why you would need 240 fps? Sounds really high for regular gaming use case (especially since between key frames, interpolation is automatically filling the gaps/missing frames anyway).

Best regards,



thank you very much for your support request and for your nice words.

I've just looked into the code of the UMotion FBX exporter, and it supports frame rates of up to 120 fps. Can you show me a screenshot of the exact error message you are getting?

One thing you need to be aware of is that the frame rate always has to be the same for all animation clips within the same FBX file. Maybe that's what the error message was trying to say.

Is there any specific reason why you would need 240 fps? Sounds really high for regular gaming use case (especially since between key frames, interpolation is automatically filling the gaps/missing frames anyway).

Best regards,

Peter, Thanks for the response!

Sorry, 120 FPS is working, it is the 240 FPS that my FBX are and stating that 240FPS is not supported by FBX. The only reason is our xsens suit records at default 240FPS, which we can swap to 120FPS if needed. 240FPS was just the target for most quality animations.

Is there a way to support 240FPS or is 120FPS the max? Thanks for all the help!

Is there a way to support 240FPS or is 120FPS the max? Thanks for all the help!

In the FBX SDK, there are a few default FPS options which go up till 120 FPS. These are the ones that are currently supported by UMotion. There also seems to be a possibility to support arbitrary FPS counts, but that would require a rewrite of some parts of the UMotion FBX exporter.

Anyway for a game, I wouldn't necessarily recommend using such high FPS counts (unless you're playing the animations at super slow motion or something). High frames per second also mean more memory usage (= more RAM usage and increased installation size of your game). Usually 60 FPS should be more than sufficient and the difference to 120 or 240 shouldn't be really noticeable by players. So due to that, I currently do not have immediate plans to support 240 fps unfortunately. I'm sorry.

Best regards,