IK unresponsive skeleton
This must be covered early on... what setting didn't I apply, because the IK rigged skeleton ( yes, I have Pro ) can be seen but can't be selected. There is no IK handle for me to grab or enlarge.
I'm just using the demo scene that comes with Umotion.
What switches do I click?

thank you very much for your support request.
Please check out the quick start video tutorial. It shows you how to manipulate the IK skeleton:
Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.
Best regards,

I've been watching the tutorial videos of course ( frequently in slow motion because you click around the screen quite fast). The problem for me regarding the earlier question turned out that I didn't see that the Inspector/Animator needed it's Controller and Avatar set first ( you don't mention it in the video that I could see {not a criticism just a point about helping those of us who may have forgotten some basics after a long break or for beginners of course who might pay for your product to make their life a little easier )).
I can now use IK with the Kyle robot however for each character I bring in, I get this response:
The humanoid bone "Hips" is already defined in this UMotion project. It is not allowed to have multiple humanoid characters within one humanoid project.
Is there an intro video that addresses what I'm guessing is a common frustration? I saw a similar question that you said was moved to a different part of your support site but when I clicked on it I get a picture of a "broken" book ( page missing ).
Thanks again for the earlier response!

Glad to here that you've been able to get the IK rig working.
... however for each character I bring in, I get this response:
The humanoid bone "Hips" is already defined in this UMotion project. It is not allowed to have multiple humanoid characters within one humanoid project.
A UMotion project file is restricted to "one UMotion project file per individual character". Let's say you've created a UMotion project file for character A, then you are only allowed to assign character A to the pose editor. If you would instead assign character B into the pose editor, you get the error message above.
So to solve this, create a new UMotion project file (Clip Editor --> File --> New Project --> Humanoid) for your character.
The problem for me regarding the earlier question turned out that I didn't see that the Inspector/Animator needed it's Controller and Avatar set first
If you instantiate a humanoid character in the scene (by dragging and dropping the fbx file from the Unity project window to the scene), all Animator settings should automatically be setup correctly. There is no need to manually change a setting in the Animator component. Having an animator controller assigned to the Animator component is not mandatory for UMotion to function properly.
Having an avatar assigned though, is mandatory for a humanoid character to function properly in Unity (this isn't just a UMotion thing). But the avatar should be assigned by default on a correctly setup character, that's why it's not covered in my video tutorial.
Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.
Best regards,
Customer support service by UserEcho
thank you very much for your support request.
Please check out the quick start video tutorial. It shows you how to manipulate the IK skeleton:
Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.
Best regards,