
With a generic rig, exportiing Anim from Umotion wont drag to the animator component-Wrong format

AlienSamurai 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 1

I've created a generic rig and annotated a small clip. The object is locked, so I need to click 'Clear' to unblock the character. When returning to the normal inspector and dragging my animation into the Animator field area, it won't drop into the Controller or Avatar area, as if it is in the wrong format. I've tried to overcome this, but there is no way around it. I feel I am missing something. Any idea where I have gone wrong? I would really appriceate your help. Thank you

UMotion Version:
Latest Pro version
Unity Version:




thank you very much for your support request.

The field in the "Animator" component you mentioned expects an Animator Controller, not an animation clip:

Drag and drop the animation clip onto the character in Unity's "Hierarchy" window instead. This automatically creates an animator controller and places the animation clip in the controller.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Thank you for your quick reply. Ironically, I fell across the method in a frantic dragging and dropping process. Every video I have seen does not focus on that part. It makes it very difficult when key elements, like those you mention, are missing.

Thank you very much. It is good to know someone is out there. Great answer with a descriptive step-by-step. 

Satisfaction mark by AlienSamurai 2 years ago


thank you very much for your support request.

The field in the "Animator" component you mentioned expects an Animator Controller, not an animation clip:

Drag and drop the animation clip onto the character in Unity's "Hierarchy" window instead. This automatically creates an animator controller and places the animation clip in the controller.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,