
Retarget Umotion project to same rig with twist bone added

Vincent 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 5

Hi, I have just added a twist bone to my arm rig and when opening an existing project it wont find the correct bones anymore of course. When opening the project in a text editor, is it enough to just replace all occurences of the bone paths with the new bone thats been added in between? So Arm/Forearm/Wrist would become Arm/Forearm/NewBone/Wrist. Or is there a simpler solution maybe even

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



Hi Vincent,

thanks for your support request.

When opening the project in a text editor, is it enough to just replace all occurences of the bone paths with the new bone thats been added in between? So Arm/Forearm/Wrist would become Arm/Forearm/NewBone/Wrist.

Yes this should work in theory. If it doesn't, compare the text file of a fresh UMotion project (with correct/new bone hierarchy) with the one you're trying to prepare. Maybe you also need to add the definition for the twist bones.

Unfortunately there is no simpler method I'm aware of.

Let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Hi Vincent,

thanks for your support request.

When opening the project in a text editor, is it enough to just replace all occurences of the bone paths with the new bone thats been added in between? So Arm/Forearm/Wrist would become Arm/Forearm/NewBone/Wrist.

Yes this should work in theory. If it doesn't, compare the text file of a fresh UMotion project (with correct/new bone hierarchy) with the one you're trying to prepare. Maybe you also need to add the definition for the twist bones.

Unfortunately there is no simpler method I'm aware of.

Let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

Thank you, yes simply changing the adress doesnt work and it does not recognize the twist bone properly. I've been trying to copy the twist bone definition from a new project into the old one, but have not been able to get it to work (Umotion crashes when loading the file with the added forearm bone, just renaming it loads it but the animations dont work anymore Edit: it doesnt load it either it just loads forever), I think I am copying the wrong parts of the file. I search for ForearmRotation_L (the twist bone) and start copying at

 - TransformPath:
      valueInternal: Bones/Arm_L/Forearm_L/ForearmRotation_L

and end it at 

          newKeyListSerialized: 00000000
    CustomPropertyList: []

around 1300 lines later

Then I paste it into the old project, directly above the renamed wrist bone that now includes forearmRotation

- TransformPath:
      valueInternal: Bones/Arm_L/Forearm_L/ForearmRotation_L/Wrist_L

Im not sure if the CustomPropertyList: [] belongs to the part above or below so maybe thats the mistake Im making

About the other question I posted a few days ago, I havent gotten around to record a video yet but will do so once I have more time

I'm afraid you have to create a fresh UMotion project then. The UMotion project file isn't really designed for external text editing, I'm sorry.

Best regards,

No problem, I've fixed it by simply not inserting the new bone in between the two, just parenting it as a second child now and that works perfectly as well! Thank you!

Glad to hear that you've found a solution for this. Don't hesitate to contact me in case you have any other questions.

Best regards,