
Set range of keys to the same global position on one axis

Martin12 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 1

I have a case where i need to correct an animation so that the hands ik position stays fixed in the same global position on the y-axis while keeping the motion on the x and z axis.

I can manually enter the y world position and get  the desired result for an individual key, but I have very many keys.

Is there a way to do this?

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for your support request.

  1. You could try to set IK Pinned to true on the very first frame. When UMotion asks you if it should convert all following existing keys, press Yes.
  2. Now the curves/key values are all in "pseudo world space". If you then open the curves view of the IK handle, select all keys of the y axis, right click on one of them and click on "Edit Key". Then type in the desired value and press enter to confirm.

Please let me know if that works for you.

Best regards,


Thank you very much, that worked perfectly.

Satisfaction mark by Martin12 2 years ago

thank you very much for your support request.

  1. You could try to set IK Pinned to true on the very first frame. When UMotion asks you if it should convert all following existing keys, press Yes.
  2. Now the curves/key values are all in "pseudo world space". If you then open the curves view of the IK handle, select all keys of the y axis, right click on one of them and click on "Edit Key". Then type in the desired value and press enter to confirm.

Please let me know if that works for you.

Best regards,