
Pinning Unpinning Adds Pos/Rot

lora 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 2


Image 1266

Hello, the foot didn't move, but pinning unpinning adds some position/rotation changes, they are marked blue on the right

why it does that, it adds unnecessary movement  

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:




thank you very much for your support request.

IK Pinning is transitioning the coordinate system when the pinning state is changed (e.g. from local to world space). In order to do that, it needs to first create a key frame in the old coordinate space and then a second key frame in the new coordinate space.

Als long as you keep both keys in sync (which in most cases UMotion does automatically for you) there is no movement in between. More information can be found in the related video tutorials:

is it possible to turn off muscle group window? using multiple scenes it is always in the way

Yes you can turn off the scene view window (aka "Tool Assistant" in the display section of the pose editor).

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

is it possible to turn off muscle group window? using multiple scenes it is always in the way 



thank you very much for your support request.

IK Pinning is transitioning the coordinate system when the pinning state is changed (e.g. from local to world space). In order to do that, it needs to first create a key frame in the old coordinate space and then a second key frame in the new coordinate space.

Als long as you keep both keys in sync (which in most cases UMotion does automatically for you) there is no movement in between. More information can be found in the related video tutorials:

is it possible to turn off muscle group window? using multiple scenes it is always in the way

Yes you can turn off the scene view window (aka "Tool Assistant" in the display section of the pose editor).

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,