
I'll make sure every animator using Unity will have UMotion under their toolbelt if you add these things Peter

ytGameDevDave 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 2

Gonna hit all social media with feature videos and tutorials

These are primarily tiny workflow features and QOL improvements

Let's get this out of the way first:

"Q" should be the default for "Select" the way "W, E and R" enable the other ones. This shortcut is heavily used because frequently the manipulator tool will be in the way of selecting things. We always keep a finger on "Q".

Image 1220

It would also be nice to be able to save your preferences to a file.

These are the impovements, some of them I've mentioned before:

  • Filter to show selected objects only 
  • Select keyframes under slider of selected objects
  • Skip to Next/Previous keyframe of selected object
  • "Set FK to IK" Bake Start/End

I'll give detailed explanations with screenshots tomorrow or soon

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:
  • Select All Translate/Rotate or Scale of selected keyframes. 
  • A Peak Removal Filter, for selected keyframes. 
  • Is there already an Euler fix?

    I'll get back on these things later

thanks for your feature request.

"Q" should be the default for "Select" the way "W, E and R" enable the other ones. This shortcut is heavily used because frequently the manipulator tool will be in the way of selecting things. We always keep a finger on "Q".

You're right, going to add that in the next update.

It would also be nice to be able to save your preferences to a file.

Preferences are currently stored systemwide (using Unity's EditorPrefs class). So same prefs work across all your Unity installations on your PC. Why do you need them stored as a file?

I'll give detailed explanations with screenshots tomorrow or soon

Yes please, some points aren't 100% clear to me.

Is there already an Euler fix?

What do you mean with Euler fix?

Best regards,
