
Animating generic objects that have no humanoid bone in their parent hierarchy is not supported

Brunomir 2 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 2 years ago 1

I'm not able to show the bones of an object that the player should be using, a sword. When I click on config mode, on the sword object of the rig hierachy that message appears "Animating generic objects that have no humanoid bone in their parent hierarchy is not supported"

Please help, I'm new to Umotion

UMotion Version:
1.29 professional edition
Unity Version:



thank you very much for your support request.

Make sure that the sword is at least a child of the hips bone (or deeper down the hierarchy). To adjust the hierarchy, make sure that you have first removed the character from UMotion (by clicking the "Clear" button in the pose editor). Either create a new Umotion project then or if you want to continue using the existing project, click on the "Cleanup" button in config mode after re-assigning your character to UMotion.

Furthermore iIn order to make generic object's animate-able in UMotion, select the generic object in config mode's rig hierarhcy and under "Properties" set "Visibility" to "Show".

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


thank you very much for your support request.

Make sure that the sword is at least a child of the hips bone (or deeper down the hierarchy). To adjust the hierarchy, make sure that you have first removed the character from UMotion (by clicking the "Clear" button in the pose editor). Either create a new Umotion project then or if you want to continue using the existing project, click on the "Cleanup" button in config mode after re-assigning your character to UMotion.

Furthermore iIn order to make generic object's animate-able in UMotion, select the generic object in config mode's rig hierarhcy and under "Properties" set "Visibility" to "Show".

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,