Under review

Unity crash when trying to clear / unlock a gameobject

Anonymous 3 years ago updated 2 years ago 4

Hello, I have a character assigned into pose editor. Out of a sudden, whenever I tried to unlock / clear it, unity will crash. 

I have already tried:
1) Clicking "restart Umotion" from the window. Unity crashes. Object still locked
2) Changing to another scene and return back. The gameobject is still locked

As the game object is locked and I'm unable to work on it or even run the game (as it lock the animations). 

After multiple crashes after clicking the "clear" button, Unity started crashing when I simply click to focus on pose or clip editor.

I'm using source control and my problem was resolved by removing all Umotion related change files. But I thought to report it just in case it helps

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:
Under review


thank you very much for your bug report. I really appreciate that you took the time to notify me about this problem.

  1. What operating system are you on?
  2. With "Unity crashes", do you mean the whole Unity window closes or do you get any error message shown?

Your UMotion version is already very dated, chances are that this problem is already solved in one of the newer versions. There have been dozens of bug fixes so I highly recommend updating to the latest version from the asset store.

Best regards,

Window 10
AMD Ryzen 5 3500X 6-Core Processor

2) Out of around 10 crashes 9 have the error message shown in screenshot. The other one just hangs forever

Is downloading and clicking "import" from the asset store the correct way to update the tool? A little afraid it might cause some files to be lost

Thanks for the additional information.

Out of around 10 crashes 9 have the error message shown in screenshot.

I'm not seeing a screenshot, maybe something went wrong with uploading it?

Is downloading and clicking "import" from the asset store the correct way to update the tool?

Yes. If you want to do a clean install, you can delete the "UMotionEditor" folder before importing from the asset store.

A little afraid it might cause some files to be lost

I always recommend using a version control system like SVN, GIT or Plastic SCM for your Unity projects.

Best regards,

Hello! Coming back to this thread again as I face the same problem 2 more times. 

I've figured that the way to fix it is to revert just the Scene asset. When Unity crashes (for any reason) while your model is locked, clicking on the Clear button afterwards won't clear and cause continuous crashing.

I have yet to update the Umotion version as my project is about to be shipped and would like to avoid any risk. But hope this helps anyone facing the issue