
cannot select weapon slide to animate

Anonymous 3 years ago updated by Paul 3 years ago 2

I am following the uMotion pro tutorial making fps pistol fire...  Actually jumping back and forth (uMotion pro / community version) so as to use IK rather than FK which takes forever. I have the initial pose created, but cannot access the slide of the pistol. It does not show up in the animation properties, I can select the slide in the hierarchy and it shows in the selection window with children, but cannot select the slide and the only option is SELECT. move, rotate etc. will not enable. Not sure what I did wrong. Cannot select, move or rotate the gun itself thus cannot animate the slide moving back when fired.

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for your support request.

Are you using the gun in combination with a humanoid character? In humanoid UMotion projects, all none humanoid bones are disabled by default. You can easily make none humanoid bones visible by going into config mode, select the slide transform from the "rig hierarchy" tree view and then under the "Properties" tab set "Visibility" to "Show".

If that does not help, may I ask you to post a bunch of screenshots or a short video illustrating the issue?

Best regards,


thank you very much for your support request.

Are you using the gun in combination with a humanoid character? In humanoid UMotion projects, all none humanoid bones are disabled by default. You can easily make none humanoid bones visible by going into config mode, select the slide transform from the "rig hierarchy" tree view and then under the "Properties" tab set "Visibility" to "Show".

If that does not help, may I ask you to post a bunch of screenshots or a short video illustrating the issue?

Best regards,

Thankyou Peter, I will do as per your instructions. Love the program just need to learn more about using it.

Thanks again
