
Can't load old animation files (1.28 - 1.26)

eetu 3 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 3 years ago 5

I updated Umotion to 1.28 and now I can no longer use 1.26 version files.

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



This sounds like an issue with the Unity import pipeline / the importing procedure with Blender. Importing stuff can be challenging as there are a lot of different settings involved especially when working with "humanoid".

I'm rather sure that this is the root cause of the issue, as there have been no changes in UMotion's code regarding animation import that would explain a different behavior between V1.26 and V1.28.

Best regards,

Satisfaction mark by eetu 3 years ago
Under review

thank you very much for your support request.

With animation files, you mean *.anim files? Or umotion project files (*.asset)?

Both should work well (I just double checked). Are you sure it's not something else?

Maybe try to delete your UMotion installation (the UMotionEditor folder) and re-install the latest version from the asset store. Just to be sure that nothing went wrong during the update procedure.

Best regards,

I did it, but no change. Got it working by returning an older version from source control. Luckily I do them on daily basis...

Are you sure it's not something else (that you've also reverted by going back to an older version)? I'm not aware of any change to UMotion since V1.26 that would cause any compatibility issues with existing animations/project files.

Best regards,

I tried to import Sitting dazed from Mixamo with Synty studio Farm character. I already noticed that there were problems with trying to directly import the Mixamo stuff to Unity, so I first use Blender with Better FBX importer plugin and export animations from Blender to Unity.

There was some sort of a hick up with trying to import that animation. Everything seemed to work fine and I wanted to see if newer version would manage it better, but then I didn't work at all - all the animations were with 0 frames.


This sounds like an issue with the Unity import pipeline / the importing procedure with Blender. Importing stuff can be challenging as there are a lot of different settings involved especially when working with "humanoid".

I'm rather sure that this is the root cause of the issue, as there have been no changes in UMotion's code regarding animation import that would explain a different behavior between V1.26 and V1.28.

Best regards,