
Trying to get a character to hold a weapon

Sam Burton 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 2

Sorry if this is a dumb question as I'm new to animating in unity.
I'm making an RPG and I would like to be able to equip weapons. I thought to make their hand wrap around the handle of the weapon by making an animation in uMotion of just the gripped hand component and adding that as a layer to other animations that I have. So I set up the grip pose in uMotion, make two identical key frames of only the hand being gripped without touching the rest of the character model. Then I export it and try to blend it with my other animations except, it's also carrying forwards the T-Pose from the rest of the character model when I tried making the hand grabbing animation. Is there a way I can make the animation only affect the hand and ignore the rest of the model? Alternatively, is there potentially a better way of going about this?
Kind regards,

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



Hi Sam,

thank you very much for your support request.

Humanoid character animations are always automatically "well-formed", that means that the animation always contains a complete humanoid pose even if you've keyed only some bones.

You would have to use a humanoid avatar mask in your animator controller layer to mask away the influence of the other bones. This is the official Unity tutorial about avatar masks:

Here is a UMotion video tutorial about animating an RPG character in which the character is holding a sword and shield. Might be helpful in your case.

Here you can find a great overview of all video tutorials available:

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,


Hi Sam,

thank you very much for your support request.

Humanoid character animations are always automatically "well-formed", that means that the animation always contains a complete humanoid pose even if you've keyed only some bones.

You would have to use a humanoid avatar mask in your animator controller layer to mask away the influence of the other bones. This is the official Unity tutorial about avatar masks:

Here is a UMotion video tutorial about animating an RPG character in which the character is holding a sword and shield. Might be helpful in your case.

Here you can find a great overview of all video tutorials available:

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

Thanks so much, that was exactly the information I was after and I was really struggling to find it.

You're the best!