
IK FK auto snapping

Anonymous 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 7

Is it possible automatically snapping FK bones when editing IK bones, also snapping IK bones when editing FK bones?

Thank you!

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:
Under review

thank you very much for sharing your idea. Much

Currently this is only possible manually by pressing the "Set FK to IK" or "Set IK to FK" buttons.

Normally you only need those buttons when you want to transition from FK to IK or vice versa which usually doesn't happen that often within an animation. Can you tell me a little bit more about your workflow and why it would benefit from an automated mechanism?

Best regards,


In my animation, the characters are sometimes in the air and sometimes on the ground. I need to snap manually frequently, and in order to make the curve correct, I have to snap at least one frame in front.

Ok thank you very much for the clarification. Wouldn't disabling IK Pinning be enough (so that the feet move with the hips while in the air, but still driven by IK)? Or are there other reasons you prefer using FK when in the air?

Best regards,

If legs leave the ground, I prefer to pose with IK and transition with FK, which is more natural. On the ground, it will transition with IK.

If IK/FK will automatically snapping when posing, the only thing is to set keyframe of snapping channel.


Thank you very much for explaining your workflow. This helps me understanding the context of this feature request. I've put your idea on my ideas for the future list. This list is used to select and prioritize features for upcoming UMotion updates.

Best regards,

Thank you, I'm looking forward it.