
FPS weapons to TPS

Anonymous 3 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 3 years ago 2

I have a fps weapons and hands asset - and it looks nice and all, so i figured that i would import them into the game im making that is not fully fps, so that means animating these as full body without the existing hands mesh and animations. 
Id like to keep the integrated animations, so i figured remove the arms and then process them through here, but doing this does not seem to work as my brain says it should, 

if i export with add, i keep getting errors related to pieces missing, particularly the arms ive removed
if i make a new file i get no mesh - however the animations are neatly sorted but theres no object....

Can someone tell me what im doing wrong with this and how to transfer the weapons to a full model? 

UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



thank you very much for your support request.

So you want to split the arm and firearm objects and make two distinct animations out of it? Using UMotion for that would be a bit of an overkill. Just duplicate your original *.anim file and your original combined rig (= the weapon+hand setup). Then for one instance you remove the hands and for the other instance you remove the weapon. Assign one instance of the *.anim to the weapon only and one instance of the *.anim to the hands only. Then open the Unity animation window, select the weapon only models root object, and delete all unnecessary animated objects. Do the same with the hands only model.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,

i misstated - 

im not looking to turn these into direct third person model assets, but more like stand alone objects that maintain the object animations.... leaving character interaction animations to a separate workflow, while maintaining things like the firing pin reload, and other animations tied into the existing object itself.


thank you very much for your support request.

So you want to split the arm and firearm objects and make two distinct animations out of it? Using UMotion for that would be a bit of an overkill. Just duplicate your original *.anim file and your original combined rig (= the weapon+hand setup). Then for one instance you remove the hands and for the other instance you remove the weapon. Assign one instance of the *.anim to the weapon only and one instance of the *.anim to the hands only. Then open the Unity animation window, select the weapon only models root object, and delete all unnecessary animated objects. Do the same with the hands only model.

Please let me know in case you have any follow-up questions.

Best regards,