
Exported Animation includes unwanted parameters (using layers)

felix 3 years ago updated by Peter - Soxware Developer 3 years ago 5


I am creating an animation using layers, I use two override layers, with the lower being used only to test during animation. I mute the test layer, and export - expecting umotion to only export the keys for the unmuted layer with my actual animation. But the exported clip has a few additional properties that were not keyed in the animation laye. This problem persists unless I delete the test layer. Is it supposed to be possible to mute layers and have the export completely ignore the keys on that layer? Seems like a bug, since the exported clip is not including all of the properties of the muted test-override-layer, but only a few of them (which are not keyed in the unmuted layer)

I am using a generic rig.


UMotion Version:
Unity Version:



Fixed in UMotion V1.27. You can download this update in the next couple of hours via the asset store.

Thank you very much for reporting this issue.

Best regards,

Under review

Hi Felix,

thank you very much for this bug report.

I agree that this sounds like a bug. I'm trying to reproduce and fix this issue. I keep this thread updated on the progress.

Best regards,

Not reproducible

Hi Felix,
I tried to reproduce this issue but failed. For me, the muted layers are always ignored.

Could you please try the following: In the UMotion examples folder there is the robot kyle model. Please configure it as generic. Create a generic UMotion project and try to reproduce the error you mentioned. If you succeed, please send me the resulting UMotion project (*.asset) file via the email support form (please click on "File --> Save Project" in Unity before doing so to guarantee that the project file is actually written to disk!).

If you can't reproduce the issue with robot kyle, the issue might be more specific to your actual animated model / umotion project setup. In that case, please send me a the things I need to reproduce your exact situation. That includes your UMotion project file and the animated model (without textures if you want) exported as *.unityproject. Please do not include any unrelated stuff.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


I just dropped you a message through the form with the attached files!


Working on fix

Hi Felix,
thank you so much for sending me the files. I'm able to reproduce the issue and looking into fixing it.

Best regards,



Fixed in UMotion V1.27. You can download this update in the next couple of hours via the asset store.

Thank you very much for reporting this issue.

Best regards,